the vampire diaries headcanons

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*Dating Them Would Include*

•making your own choices
•getting him to open up about his ripper days
•crying together :'(
•deep deep convos
•making him glow and smileeee
•soft little kisses on the lips
•forehead kisses
•him making you feel safe
•booping his cute lil baby button puppy nose
•tickle fights all day
•"but baaaaaaaabe"
•being his #1 special lil angel princess girl :))
•movie nights
•cute romantic dates at little diners
•road trips
•him telling you stories about his human life
•trusting each other
•lots of wet, sloppy kisses all over
•him getting jealous very easily
•him always, always defending you

•dumbass nicknames for each other omg
•roasting people together all the time omfgggg
•him swearing to protect you with his life
•he finally got the girl :)
•him thinking ur too good for him
•him getting lowkey  jealous even tho he knows he's hot shit
•sleeping in
•calling him cute all the tIME
•"don't call me cute, we are in pUBLIC!"
•long and silent hugs
•lots of fights & arguments that usually end in tears
•but later leads to cute & emotional make ups (maKEUP SEXX)
•he tries to act tough & manly but he's really a big softie
•chilling on the couch watching trashy tv shows
•but also going out & partying a lot
•getting drunk together and sharing your deepest secrets

•him being so so sweet and you fr have this boy whipped tf
•trying his best to protect you, but he's only human
•but also finding comfort in the fact that you both are human, with beating hearts, alive, warm, and beautiful
•him always letting you know how beautiful you are
•sweet kisses
•cute ice cream dates
•napping together

•"you're such an ass tyler"
•him trying to be there for you whenever you need it
•being so cute together and making everyone else jealous
•getting annoyed with his revenge on klaus obsession
•but accepting it.
•"aweee baaaabe"
•napping together on the couch cuddled up in a bundle of blankets
•him being shirtless 24/7
•tugging on his hair while making out
•him lovingggggg it

•accepting his past and not letting it define your guys' future
•him being confused with his emotions so he leans on you for clarity
•making him be 100% honest w/ you
•booping that lil bean nose
•trying to be a normal couple but it just doesn't really work out like that
•but still loving each other all the same
•fights and arguments that lead to him being pissy for the next couple days but he just is scared to lose you
•"I know that I love you y/n, I know I do."
•accepting his flaws and reassuring him that you're here for the good and the bad.
•cooking together
•going grocery shopping at 2am and being so loud you get kicked out
•jamming out to 90's music
•laughing all the time

•staying out of the supernatural drama as much as possible
•kissing his cheeks allllll over
•having sleepovers so often it's like you live together
•420 blazin'
•sitting on his rooftop at midnight getting high talking about everything
•hand holding
•running your hands through his hair
•eating junk food 24/7
•either slow, passionate love-making OR hot, fast, rough sex
•ruining your hands over his BACK MUSCLES
•hanging out at the local mall to stay away from supernatural shit
•wearing his t shirts & hoodies
•sharing food
•chilling in his bedroom listening to music making out

•being an odd couple bc of the age difference but you make it work
•going on coffee dates
•being very mature for your age while he's a goofball so the relationship just works
•Damon flirting with you and pissing ric off
•forehead kisses
•hot sex
•"love ya!"
•deep emotional phone calls late at night when you're away from each other
•ordering take out and drinking beers watching  football on tv
•being lazy
•on days when neither of you are working you barely even get out of bed
•quick morning showers together
•hanging out at the mystic grill

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