you hate when he

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acts sarcastic and sassy to you in front of other people. he sometimes makes you feel like an idiot

acts too sophisticated and won't let loose. you try your best to get him to have fun but he says he doesn't want to seem childish

overreacts and kills people. he often acts on his impulsive behavior and doesn't give people a chance to explain themselves

acts like he's better than everyone else. there's a difference between confidence and arrogance and sometimes he acts too full of himself

won't give up his obsession with being "king of New Orleans". it's just annoying.

gets jealous bc he often just has an attitude and he's irrational and hard to talk to

talks about katherine. like we get it. the bitch broke your heart.

constantly dwells on the past. if you make one mistake he always has to bring it back up again when he's mad

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