he hates when you

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can't keep a secret and blab about your guys' personal matters to anyone that'll listen

can't be serious. he tries to have serious conversations but you always find a way to joke around and it annoys him sometimes

put yourself in a dangerous situation. he hates that you feel like you need to protect him so you often get put in harms way

flirt/talk with the mikaelson brothers. he gets very jealous and possessive of you and feels like you might up and leave him for one of the mikaelsons someday

don't trust him. he divulges his plans to you and you often go behind his back and switch something up

compare yourself to elena. she was in the past and it makes him sad to think that you feel jealous of her

spend more time with his brother than with him. he's always afraid that stefan might steal you away from him so he tries to keep you two away as much as possible

don't believe him when he says he loves you. just because he's confused af with his emotions doesn't mean he doesn't know how he feels about you.

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