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he's not too big of a cuddler but he'll always out his arm around you and pull you into him when you sit together on the couch

you always lay with half of your body on top of him and your head on his chest

he's also not a big cuddler but you'll always wrap your body around him like a koala while you sleep and he says it annoys him but he secretly loves it ;)

he loves cuddling and whenever you sit by each other or are laying in bed together he'll always wrap you up in a big warm embrace and just hold you close

he always puts one arm around you and pulls you close to kiss you on the forehead until you fall asleep

he likes to be the big spoon and just hold you protectively in his arms while you two sleep

kai claims he hates cuddling so you just wrap your entirety around him and nuzzle your head in his neck and you know he loves it :~))

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