Chapter 12:SHOTS FIRED!

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We walk off stage as the fans go crazy cheering. Rachel, Jeniveve and Jason walk backstage behind me as my eyes land on Blake. I run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. Blake laughs a little and smiles "Hey baby girl." He says, hugging me tighter.

After a few minutes we pull away from the hug and I look back to Jason and see him clenching his jaw. I roll my eyes and lead Blake back into Atlanta's dressing room with Rachel, Jeniveve and Jason following. Blake sits in a recliner and pulls me into his lap making me squeal. Jason continues glaring at us from across the room as we continue messing around... Not like that. You nashty.

"Hey! Let's go to the beach." Cole suggests and Atlanta nods. Atlanta gets called up on stage "Oh, want us to wait?" "No, I'll catch up with you later." Atlanta says and we all nod walking out of the building and to the nearby beach.


We walk back to the exit of the beach so we can get back to the building. Atlanta said she was to tired to go to the beach so she's just been hanging out in the tour bus. "Blake take a picture of us sitting in the sand before we go." I say sitting down with Rachel, Jeniveve and Jason. Blake takes a few photos and we stand up. Blake starts patting my butt and I look at him "Did I have sand on my butt?" "No." "Oh.." I say nodding "Wait..." I say and looking at him. I see him smirking and roll my eyes.

"You know dude, you're a real fucking pig sometimes." Jason says out of nowhere "Excuse me?" "Did I stutter?" Jason says and Blake raises his eyebrow. Blake throws a punch and Jason's nose starts bleeding. Jason looks at the blood and glares up at Blake, Jason throws a punch at Blake as I stand there; Frozen in fear. Finally Cole split them up and we continue back to the tour bus with me, Jeniveve, Cole and Rachel inbetween the two.

We finally make it back to the bus and everyone gets on. Leaving me and Blake outside to talk "Are you okay?" I ask "Yea." Blake says and I run a finger over his bleeding lip. He winces and pain and I apologize. I give him a hug and he walks back to his car as I climb on the bus. "HEY! ALICE! YOU WANNA KNOW WHY YOUR LOYAL LITTLE BLAKE WOULDN'T PICK UP TODAY?!" Jason yells the second I walk on the bus "JASON! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Cole yells "NO! SHE NEEDS TO KNOW! YOUR INNOCENT LITTLE BLAKE WOULDN'T PICK UP-"

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