Murder House

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Your skin isn't paper
Don't cut it,
Your face isn't a mask
Don't cover it,
Your size isn't a book
Don't judge it,
Your life isn't a film
Don't end it.

You are beautiful.

A girl and her boyfriend were walking down to his new house, his parents bought the house for his birthday. It was the cheapest house they find near them. When they got to the front door the girl stopped.

"What's wrong?" the boy asked, was scared now after seeing the look on her face.

"I saw a face in the window" she said after a while.

The scary thing is no one has been in the house for a while now.

The boy went inside to see if any one was there. He had nothing to protect himself with except for his fists, good thing he did boxing for 6 years.

He checked all the rooms except for one, the one the face was supposed to be in. He carefully opened the door and turned on the lights.

He ran outside to his girlfriend.

"Wha-" he cut off her sentence.

"Run" he yelled.

After about 15 minutes of running there got tired.

"What happened?" the girl asked, still out of breath.

"I opened the door to the room, where the face was and heard screams for help. The lady told my mother that if I heard someone screaming help then I was to run as fast as I could, before they could get to us."

"What's they?" the girl asked.

"She didn't say" the boy replied.

They looked up online, the boyfriends address and found a newspaper article, which dated back to about 2 years ago

Last night a young woman and her two children, a boy and a girl, were found dead in their house.
The husband, who was at work at the time his family have believed to have been killed.
He spoke to our reporter, "I came home from work and as always I parked my car right outside the front door.
The kids would usually be watching from the window, waiting till I came home, but no one came outside the door. I thought it was odd but I shrugged it off thinking they went to their friends.
I opened the front door, it was unlocked as usual. I didn't hear a sound or smell any food. I thought it was weird and called out to my wife and got no response.
I searched all the rooms and opened the last one on the left and found my wife and kids dead bodies.
I ran out to my neighbours house and told her to call the police.
Before they arrived, I went to her bathroom to clean myself up a bit.
I looked in the mirror and said my wife's name and my children's name "Mary, Darcy and Luke" three times and I looked back up in the mirror and saw them all standing there. I was shocked and happy.
Mary said to me "You know who we are, we screamed help, you could've helped us but you ignored us so you will join us and Satan soon".
You will be visited tonight at 2:59 am and die. Hope your funeral is organized.

That night in the girl's parents house

The girl woke up and turned over to see her boyfriend was awake to too.

"What time is it?" She asked.

The boy reached over to check his phone.

"2:58" he said.

"Shit babe. The story".

"Wh-" he couldn't finish his sentence before the bedroom door creaked open.

The girl's parents found their bodies that morning and cried. They got their daughter's phone to call the police because they left theirs downstairs.

They read the story, they died and so will you.

Hey guys, I'll be putting Quotes at the start of each chapter with pictures. For people who don't have internet I will type it under the pic.

Thanks for reading!!!

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