Advice/Story: Dem lights?!

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So, I was walking down the usual road, doing the usual thing; Watching anime, right? When I pass this person, wearing ALL black, like someone died and they went to a funeral without changing after, and it's Summer here btw, so they were probably pretty sweaty. Now, I was pushing my bike up a hill at the time, but I ran across the street when the cars had passed, and I bombed it across btw, not any half-running shizzle, I BOMBED it across. So I keep walking with my bike, and this person... This person keeps looking over at me, I can sense it. No I actually made eye contact with this person, but I couldn't tell what they were thinking. So I rode around a bit and didn't think about that until I went to pick up milk by the corner. Here's there this shiz gets weird, I had to pick it up from the place ACROSS the dang street. Well it uses the press-button system for the pedestrian crossing. I sat there, trying both of them for HALF AN HOUR!!! Other people were crossing it fine, but when I tried it, it never let me walk across! So I tried being smarter than the system, checked around to see no cars in that lane, and placed one foot on that road. As soon as I did, a flippin white car zoomed past me, hardly 6 inches from my foot. After, everything EXCEPT the lights went smoothly.

My advice: Don't think about it, if you see a "Black Cat" hurry and look for a "White Cat". (Or the other way around, whichever makes sense to you.)

Sorry this wasn't really "advice" it was more of an update story.

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