Questions #1

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1) If you lost your phone, which one would most likely be your reaction?
A) Well, I had a phone...
B) Hey... Where'd my phone go?
C) My parents are gonna kill me...! *Cries*
D) Let's go shopping! *Skips off like the phone was intentionally lost to go shopping*
E) It's ok, I can just call it with my... Phone... Crap.
F) Mom, Dad. Get me a new one.

2) You get lost in a corn maze. What would you do?
A) Sit and wait for someone to find you.
B) Keep walking without noticing you got lost.
C) Hello...? Hello...?! *Cries cuz u is lost* *Cries cuz there's no wifi*
D) *Pulls out phone* How far is the mall from here?
E) I'm not lost the exit is just around this... Corner... Crap.
F) *Calls parents* Mom, Dad. Get over here.

3) You're stranded on an island with only the clothes you're currently wearing. What would the first idea of yours be?
A) I should do something about this...
B) Well, looking at the water will pass time.
C) I'm all alone... What should I do, what would my parents do?!
D) I won't survive... There's no wifi...
E) I got this! I'll just make a raft or something! Eventually...
F) The one time you need them, they're not around... (Parents)

These are just random questions, sorry if it seems like filler, it's actually not. Comment your answers below and if I get a few answers, the next part will be the results!

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