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I thought this Christmas break couldn't be any better but it did. Kj brought me an Apple watch for Christmas and now we have more days out of school because of a bunch of snow days that suppose to be coming up. Thank you Jesus.

Me and the girls were having a sleepover at my house since Dorian and the guys were out all day handling some business and said they wont be home today or maybe tomorrow. My auntie always out with her little friends but I think she gotta boyfriend on the low.

Anways, thank God the roads are cleared off though because I would of been here bored as hell without my girls. Once again I'm worried as hell about the guys, shit all of us are.

"Man it January 4th, me and Cj 3 year anniversary is tomorrow." Tiffany sighed. "Awweee." Me and Aaliyah cooed. "Y'all so cute, I wonder what he gonna do for you tomorrow?" I said. She sat up.

"Why? You know something?" She asked a little too excited. "Girl I wish but nahh I don't know anything." I told her. She smacked her teeth and laid back down on my bed.

"I'm so bored." Aaliyah said. "Me too." I told her. "I wish I had bae here." Tiff said. "Me too." I told her. "Let's go ice skating!" Aaliyah jumped up off the bed. I laughed.

"That does sound nice." I said. "I know I place where we could go ice skating at. It's downtown near the park." Tiffany said.

"Okay then I guess we should get ready." We all hurried up and slipped some clothes on and headed to Tiffany car. I love ice skating ever since I was a little kid I did it.

We arrived to the place and it wasn't all that pack which made it easier for us to get around the rink. Tiffany felled a couple of time because these bad ass kids kept getting in her way. Me and Aaliyah laughed as we tried to help her up.

"Lord give me the strength to not jack these bad ass kids up!" She yelled. I bust out laughing. The whole time we were here I had a great time to laughing at each other everytime we fell to trying to twerk while skating. Man these girls are too much for me.


"Cj is this the place?" I asked him. "Yeah bruhh I hacked into the street cameras and the car with the license plate is at this house. I nodded.

"Man something just dont feel right about this, I don't know why but I got this gut feeling." Kj said. "Man only thing we trying to do is find Marcus and kill him. We got the crew to back us up we'll be fine." I reassured him. "Ite man." He said.

"Okay y'all, everyone put their masks on. It's time to fuck some shit it up." I told the boys. Everyone was loaded with a gun and ready. I gave the guys the signal and we all headed inside the house.

We walked in and everything was gone, the rooms were empty and everything. I headed upstairs with the guys behind me. I notice a room down the hall that was open. I went in there and there was a chair with a note on it.

"Kj? Cj? Come check this out." They came in the room. "Wassup?" Cj said. "It's a note." I told them. "Well read it nigga." Kj said.

I opened it.

Ha, well I see you tried to track me down huh? Well Dorian I'm one step ahead of you. Shit, I always was one step ahead of you. Did you really think I was going to let my guard down? Well you thought wrong. But I can say that you left your guard down. Ima love having yo girl, yo cousin and that other girl in the same bed with me. Damn they some fine ass bitches. Like I said before Dorian I'm always one step ahead.

I balled up the note. "What?" Cj said. "It was trick!" I yelled. "Calm down Dorian. What's going on?" Kj said. "He tricked us into coming here! He's after the girls man!" I yelled. "Shit, let's go we have to hurry up before he gets to them." Kj said, we ran down stairs and headed back to the van.

We rushed home as fast as we could and pulled up in the driveway. Me and the boys busted through the door and rushed through the house.

"Angel? Aaliyah? Tiffany?" I yelled. "They not here I checked upstairs." Cj said. "Damn!" Kj yelled. "Let me call her phone." I said.

I called Angel and waited for her to answer. "Hello?" She said through the phone. "Angel, where are you?" I asked. "I'm ice skating with the girls why?" She asked. "I just need you to hurry up and come home right now!" I yelled.

"What's going on?" I sighed. "Look just come home right now and stay on the phone with me okay?"

"Ite we're leaving now."


"What's going on A? Why we had to leave?" Tiff asked. "I dont know. Dorian said that we had leave right now and he sounded worried." We was heading to the car that was on the other side of the parking lot. "Damn Tiff why you had to park so far?" I said.

"We needed to exercise." I rolled my eyes. "Yall am I the only one that think this black van behind us is following us?" Aaliyah said. I looked from the corner of my eye and saw the black van. "Aye let's walk around for a while to make sure." Tiff said.

We nodded and walked around the parking lot and it was still behind us. "Dorian, I'm scared it's this black van following us." I told him. "Shit! Okay Angel you and the girls have to run as fast as yall can to the car okay?"

"Okay. Aye we have to run to the car y'all. One, two, three , go!" We ran as fast as we could but the van was still behind us. We got to the car but Tiffany couldnt find her keys.

"Shit!" She said. "Dammit Tiff!" Aaliyah yelled. The van stop in front of us and out came big three men in black. "Dorian we couldn't get in the car, there three men that just hopped out."

"Dammit Angel!" The men started walking closer to us and they started grabbing us and we screamed. I slid my phone in my shirt so they couldn't see it. They put the rag in my face and my vision started to get blurry. My eyes started to closed and I couldn't fight back. I blacked out.

Hmm, things just got a little interesting. Hope y'all enjoyed! Follow me I will follow back!

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