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"Come on, come on just one more name." I whispered to myself making sure no one heard me.

"Kenya Wynn......" I watched as the last person walked on the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen give a hand to our graduating class of 2016." My principal yelled which cause the whole auditorium to go crazy.

I graduated.... I finally graduated. Everyone left their seat and went to their family. Me and Dorian went to Mama Tee and saw she had tears in here eyes.

"Both my babies graduated, Im so proud of yall." She pulled us both in a hug. While hugging her I notice the girls walking towards us.

"We did it!" Aaliyah yelled. "And Im so proud of yall." Mama said again. "Ma you got everything ready at the center for the party?" Dorian said. She nodded her head. "Boy you know I gotchu."

Dorian decided to throw a graduation party and the class of 2016 is invited.

I saw my father and Claire coming up to me with the twins. "Congratulation!" They yelled before pulling me into a hug. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." I looked at the babies and kissed their foreheads."Babygirl me and Claire is so proud of you that we have a surprise for you but you wont see it until after the party." My father said.

I frowned. "Dad you know I hate surprises." He chuckled. "Well your gonna like this one. Now go along find that boyfriend of yours." Claire said. I smiled and walked around to find Kj.

A pair of arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me up in the air. I laughed because I already knew who it was. "Kj put me down!" I laughed. He set me on my feet and laughed.

"I'm sorry baby, but I'm so happy! We did it! We finally graduated!" He said. I smiled. "Yes, we did." He pulled me into his arms and tried to go in for a kiss but that ended when Mama Tee got between us.

"Save the kissy kissy stuff for later. Right now it's time to take pictures." She dragged us towards the rest of the crew and took pictures of us. Even Michael joined in the picture with us.

After we took our pictures we headed out the auditorium to our cars. Everyone parted their ways so they could get ready for the party.





That's all I can say. This party is Lit. Instead of just the graduating class coming the whole school came. We didn't have a problem with that because that just made the party even more fun.

I was dancing all over Kj the whole entire night. I tried not to drink anything because after I leave from here I have to drive to my dads house.

I planned on spending the night over there too, so I definitely didn't want a hangover.

"Kj Ima step outside real quick. I need some fresh air." He nodded his head and I headed to the exit. I headed outside and sat to he nearest bench around. Today just been an amazing day and I still needed to take all this in.I'm finally done with high school.

" You alright?" I looked to see Tiff and Aaliyah sitting beside me. " I'm fine, I'm just still taking all this in. We're done with high school, we all going to the same collage, me and Aaliyah playing college ball together and not to mention in a few months ima be an auntie." Tiff smiled.

"Who would of thought life would be this great to us?" Aaliyah said as she laid her head on my shoulder. "And who would of thought I would have great friends to live this great life with?"

"Man yall got me crying. Yall know I'm pregnant and sensitive." Soon as you know it all of us were in tears. "Ughh I love yall so much." Tiff cried.

"We love you too with yo sensitive self." Aaliyah said as we all got into a group hug. "Look lets head inside a turn up while we can." I told the girls. We finished wiping our faces and headed inside. Everybody was up dancing while the guys sat down and looked bored.

When we approach them their whole face changed. "Yall missed us?" Tiff teased and we all laughed. "We was waiting for yall to come back in here so we can dance." Cj said. "Well what yall waiting for? Come on." We got up and danced for the rest of the night. Well except for me I had to leave early to see what my father had for me.

When I arrived to the house I noticed a silver car parked outside. I walked up to the door and walked in with the key my father made for me. I looked in th living room to see my dad, Claire and this lady sitting on the couch that looked familiar.

My dad looked at me and smiled before motioning me to come here. I sat down beside Claire and looked at him. Right now I was confused and didn't know what's going on.

"Angel do you know this woman right here?" My father asked. I looked at her and narrowed my eyes. I was trying to get an idea of who she might be. She look so familiar but I can't figure out who it is.

I shook my head. My dad and Claire looked at each other and smiled. "Well I know you haven't seen her since you was 5 but Angel this is your grandmother."

My mouth dropped. No wonder she looked familiar. My grandmother smiled at me. I can see where I get my dimples from now.


A tear dropped from her eyes. "It's been so long since I seen you baby." I soon found myself on my feet to give her a hug. We both held on to each other tightly. It felt so right in her arms. It was like home.

When I pulled away she looked at me and wiped a stray tear from my face. "No need to cry, it's okay." I guess she knew why I was crying. I am so upset that my mother kept me away from this beautiful family of mines.

"Angel we'll leave you and your mother alone to talk." Claire said.

"Baby I wanna see how this goes." I heard my father said. "Coby, if you dont come on." I heard my father sigh before leaving me and my grandmother alone.

"So how you been?" She asked. "I been good. Actually still taking alot of things in today." She smiled. "Well I can understand that. You just graduated now your going to college, that's definitely alot to take in."

"Well and the fact I haven't seen my grandmother after 13 years." I said. She sighed. "I hate that your mother did this to you Angel. You didn't deserve this." I nodded my head in agreement. "I never thought she would do such a thing to me."

"I know baby, but one thing I never want you to do is stop loving your mother because at the end of the day that woman loves you no matter how crazy she was." I chuckled at the last part.

She was right no matter what thats shouldn't make me hate my mother. My mother will always have a place in my heart and that will never change.... NEVER.

I apologize I said I was going to update yesterday but I didn't.... My bad. Anywayyysss hoped yall enjoyed, follow me I do follow back. 2 MORE CHAPTERS LEFT. 😱

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