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"Baby stay awake please keep your eye open." I kept shaking Angel but she kept closing her eyes. "Kj, I-i can't, i-im so s-sorry." She cried. "No Angel just stay awake for me please." We rushed the girls to the hospital as quickly as we could. Angel got it worse than anybody else.

She was stabbed so many times I'm still surprised she still lasting this long. Lord I know I don't talk to you alot but please dont take her away from me. She's the love of my life please just dont take her away from me.

We got to the hospital in time and the doctors took the girls in the back. We sat in the waiting room worried as hell.

"Dammit!" I cried. "He had my girl half naked and almost stabbed to death. I swear to God he's a dead man!" I punched the wall leaving a hole in it.

I sat down and calm down for a minute. The guys didn't say nothing to me. They know when I get mad like this I don't feel like talking to anyone.


It was some hours later and not one doctor came out and told us anything about the girls. What the fuck taking them so long?

"Family of Tiffany Evans." I heard the doctor call. Her Mom and Dad stood up along with me and the boys.

"Tiffany is doing fine she just has alot of bruises on her face and the baby is healthy as well." I looked at Cj and his mouth was wide open. "Can we go see her?" Her mom asked. The doctor nodded and her parents and Cj went in her room.

"Family of Aaliyah Baker." Another doctor came out. Her parents stood up and Dorian. "Aaliyah is fine she had internal bleeding but we quickly stopped that. Right now she's sleep but y'all can go see her." Dorian and her parents went to her room.

Now it was just me and Aunt Tee sitting waiting for Angel name to be called. God please, please don't take her away from me.

"Where's my baby?" I heard this woman yelled. She came in crying and looked at Aunt Tee. "What happened to her Teresa?"

"Sharon just sit down okay?" She said. "Where's Angel?" She yelled. "Look she got stabbed a couple of times and right now she's fighting for her life. So right now Ima need for you to act like a grown ass woman and sit yo ass down!" I dropped my mouth. I aint never seen Aunt Tee go off on anyone like that, damn. The woman sat down beside her and stayed quiet.

So this is Angel mother? I see where she get her skin complexion from and her eyes. Few minutes past and I felt myself falling asleep but the doctor came in.

"Family of Angel Wells." He said. We stood up and walked up to him.

"Well Angel died from the lost of blood....." Her mother passed out on the ground and Aunt Tee cried. I just stood here heartbroken, I never loved someone like her in my life except my moms. Man I lost one person I loved and now another one.

"Hold up I'm not done." The doctor said. "Well continue then." I told him. "She died from the lost of blood but luckily for us we revived her. She's in her room but she's resting. Y'all can visit her." He said.

"Had anyone told you to ever give the good news first! What the hell wrong with you? Got my sister all on the ground and shit! White folks, I swear." Aunt Tee yelled she got Angel mom to wake up and told her what happened.

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