Tʜɪʀᴛʏ • Sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ Iᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ

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Chapter Thirty: Something Important

Monochrome grey all around her, forming some sort of suffocating purgatory that trapped her in a nonstop imaginary field of bated silence.

She could only sit in the small corner that seemed somewhat safe—if that word hadn't flown out of her dictionary just yet—afraid to even skim her fingers over the ground's rough surface, the fear of remaining electricity coursing through the floor not quite satiated.

A growl sounded—something that warped and distorted itself around the ever-growing panic of her mind's insanity, final form having become unrecognisable from the mortal cry that the Raikou had let out—and before she knew it, her small hands were clamped around her ears in a useless attempt to block out the noise.

Yet, it was futile—the roar was like a grated screech that scraped against a board of nails, acting as a knife that made a greedy dive into the very pits of her eardrums.

The bare sanctuary that she'd dove into earlier was shattered, a bolt of white-hot lightning—it wasn't even the normal golden of Electric-type attacks—arced towards her, and she backed away on instinct, hands rising up to shield herself from the sizzling blast.

It had missed scorching her skin by mere inches, but she sure had felt the tingling heat from the static—and instead, as if possessing a will of its own, the energy danced away from her, choosing instead to destroy the rocks marking out a tiny corner that she had fit into.

Another howl boomed in her ears, and she got to her feet, frantic eyes searching for another recluse that she could hide away in until the ordeal was over, but deep in her heart, she knew that she was helpless and that she couldn't stop what was happening.

It wasn't as if her memory was exceptional or anything—no, while she had always been good in her studies, her level of recalling things had always been nothing but ordinary. This was an exception—in order to mark how much time had passed; to keep each day and timeline from just blending into each other, she had been forced to keep her mind sharp.

And, as she had predicted—no, as she'd seen before—the Raikou reared, driving his clawed feet into the dry, parched ground and sending jolts of electricity shooting through the cracked earth—and as she felt pain sting at her very nerves, it was all she could do to remind herself it was just her spirit that was being affected.

Still, it felt all too real—like she could be evaporated any minute by the sheer amount of power from the Legendary's stray sparks—and that scared her.

Overhead, storm-grey clouds parted and shifted to form the vague shape of a large, circular opening that formed a sightless mocking glare that peered down at her with great contempt—seething with unjustified hatred and ready to unleash its wrath at any moment.

And she couldn't scream any further—no, her mouth had been paralysed in an everlasting part of the lips, but no sound escaped her throat no matter how badly she wanted it to. It was as if some part of her will had formed a barrier against the shrill cry.

She'd lost all strength to shout or yell any further, and she could just sit as the pillar of electricity crackled above her, the urge to wail starting to fade into utter nonexistence and replaced by a feeling of helplessness that eroded away at the remaining fragments of her mind's sanity.

No pain. There was no pain—at least, she didn't feel any anymore—as light blinded her vision—and it was ironic that her world seemed to be drained of all possible luminescence, and she could just stare into the darkening column of lightning as the vision blinked out into emptiness.

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