Meet the "Hellos" and "Goodbyes"

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Song: Hello, Goodbye by The Beatles

"Bye sensei." I waved to my sensei from my last class and he waved back.

"Goodbye Shiraishi-san. Remember to have your homework in by Monday."

"Hai hai!" I walked out of the classroom and to the building I was meeting Yuusuke.

I put the painting I made last night under my arm and adjusted my backpack on my shoulder.

"Shiraishi-san?" I heard a somewhat familiar voice call and I looked in that direction.

"Ah! Yuusuke, hello!" I smiled and he just blinked at me.

"You're hair isn't in it's braids anymore...?" I absentmindedly stated. More like asked...

"Ye-yeah. Anyway, let's go." He grumbled and started walking.

I shook my head and followed behind him, playing with a strand of my (h/c) hair.


"Here we are." Yuusuke said and I smiled at him.

"Thank you for bringing me here! Let's go see your brothers no-" My phone starting ringing, cutting me off.

"Oh... Excuse me." I mumbled and took out my phone.

Yuusuke looked at me, confused while I opened the phone and put it to my ear.

"Moshi moshi?" I asked.

"Ah, yes, is this Shiraishi (Y/N)-san from apartment 407?"

"Hai. Is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry to say, but your apartment was burned down with the rest of the complex. Someone was careless and left a stove on resulting in a fire starting. We were not able to keep it under control until just a moment ago. I'm truly sorry."
My jaw fell open.


Yuusuke, who had heard everything, blinked and grabbed the phone out of my hand.

"Thank you for calling. She will call back later. Bye." He hung up the phone and closed my mouth.

"Get a grip. Let's go inside." He grumbled again before dragging me inside the house and into the elevator.

"Thank you...Yuusuke..." I muttered to the tsundere.

"N-no problem. I can stay with you when you call. N-not that I want to stay!" I smiled at him and his face turned pink.

"Thank you! That'd be great!" I say, used to his tsundere ways.

He just 'tch-ed' and turned away, a blush on his face.

The elevator dinged and Yuusuke yelled 'tadaima' before we walked into the kitchen, talking about (favorite anime).

"Oh my gosh I love (fav male character)! He is so hot and has such a great character development."

Yuusuke scoffs, "I don't know what you see in him, Shiraishi-sa-"

"(Y/N), call me (Y/N). And are you mad or blind?" I asked as he opened the fridge and I sat at the table.

"No I'm not. I think (other character) is better."

"Yuusuke-kun. You're home. Have you escorted Ema-chan's friend here safl-" He stopped and looked at me.

"Hai, I did." Yuusuke answered before sitting across from me.

"Hello again, Ukyo." I smiled at the blond lawyer who just stared.

" I smiled at the blond lawyer who just stared

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