My Life

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"So you wanna become a mercenary?" Tool asked his friend in shock and confusion.

Barney shrugged nonchalantly. "Why not?" he asked, "I was in the military, so I already got that outta the way. And it pays pretty good."

"What sparked this notion?" Trench asked a bit curiously.

Barney sighed a bit. "It's not a secret how I can't function in everyday life, so I figured I could somethin' I'm good at, but still be in my element."

Barney had been considering the option of becoming a mercenary for two months now. He had internally debated on the idea with himself, not telling it to anyone else until now. It wasn't like he had anything or anyone to lose if he did become a mercenary, so why not? He had absolutely nothing to lose, and absolutely nothing to gain. There was nothing holding him back.

This kid of life was the only that he felt he could handle.

"I don't know, Barn'," Tool said hesitantly, "I know you're family ain't gonna be too keen on the idea."

"It's not their decision," Barney snapped, "It's not their life, it's mine."

What Barney didn't say and admit to out loud was that he did slightly care what his family thought. He felt that, while this might be the only kind of life he could handle, his family would disapprove. His parents- especially his mother- would freak out due to nerves and worry. His older sister would probably be against it, saying that the world had already seen enough fighting in the world in the last fifteen years, and asking why he'd want to do it since he'd been there for seven of those fifteen years. And his younger brother would probably be hesitantly accepting to his idea, but still slightly restricted.

Barney let out a heavy sigh. "Look," he began, "I honestly think that this is gonna be only chance at doing somethin' I'll like doing. I'm good at it, you know that, Tool."

Tool nodded in defeat. "Based off what I saw back in 'Nam, he was good," he admitted to their friend.

"I don't think it's so terrible," Trench shrugged, "Go for it if you want to."

Barney nodded. "Thank you."


Two months after Frank's death, Alexandra quit her job as an architect. She'd also given her two weeks' notice that she was moving out of her apartment in New York City.

Alexandra had decided that she'd go on with their original plans- altered a bit due to her now single and widowed status- and move to the city of brotherly love: Philadelphia. She'd lived in the city for a brief period of time while in trade school to study the historical architecture throughout the city, and had loved it there. She loved how fresh the air was. She loved how friendly the people were. She loved how the city was crowded, but at the same time, empty and free. She loved American history.

And most of all, she loved that it was a way for her to start over and move on with her life as best as she could.

Alexandra had closed on a deal on an apartment right in the heart of Philadelphia. She'd taken a total of four day tips to the city for it. She'd found the perfect apartment on the second trip, made offers on the third trip, and closed the deal on the fourth trip. She'd finished all her packing within a week, selling a good amount of her older and unused belongings. She'd hired a moving company for the day, and had already begun her move.

Alexandra had also gotten her two best friends and her older brother to help her with the transition. She didn't have too much, but enough to fill somewhere between three and a half quarters of the truck, to nearly the full amount- but to be fair, it wasn't a very large truck. All she really needed help with was taking the boxes inside the apartment, as well as carrying and assembling furniture she had- thankfully, she didn't have too much furniture either way. TO move everything, the four would all drive over to Philadelphia, spend the night in the new apartment, then the plan was that the four would finish up what was left the next morning, then go out for breakfast. Not long after, the three would drive back to New York.

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