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I tore through the forest, wind blowing through my scarlet red fur as I closed my amber eyes, enjoying the cool gust in the warm, spring air. I swiftly leapt over a log, catching plenty of air before gracefully landing on the soft, green grass that carpeted the forest. I glanced over my shoulder to see a black panther clear the same log, and was gaining on me. I gave him a smirk, turned my face forward, and laid my ears back on my head. I sped up, black paws a blur. The wind was almost whistling in my ears as I gathered speed. Soon, I could see a clearing getting closer. I drew in a large breath before exhaling and dashing into the clearing at top speed. The grass was now up to my lean legs, and I pivoted around to watch the panther enter the clearing.

As he was running, he lunged at me, paws outstretched. I quickly slid under him with ease. He growled in frustration and whipped around. The panther ran towards me, but I leapt onto his back with pure agility, then turned around mid air when I jumped off of him. Ryker and I shifted at the same time. Both of us were panting hard, but a mischievous sneer was painted on my face, "Beat... you," I sighed, putting my hands on my hips.

"You got a head start," he gulped as he bent over to put his hands on his thighs.

"You're just mad you lost to me... again," I jeered playfully.

"You'll never be a warrior if you keep acting like a child," he grumbled.

"Are you calling me immature?" I asked, putting a hand on my chest in fake offense as my mouth gaped open.

"Yes," he replied, standing straight again.

"I'm not immature, you're just boring," I pointed my thumb at myself, "and I'm the fun one!"

"You'll have to grow up at some point," he said firmly, but a smile was tugging at his lips.

"But I don't want to be old!" I whined, then added with a grin that only a troublemaker could pull off, "like you."

"I'm not old! I'm thirty, okay?" he exclaimed.

"Eh, pretty sure I can see some grey hairs coming in," I laughed.

"Why are you my student?" he sighed, though a smile played his lips as he turned to walk back to camp.

"You love me, right?" I asked, pouting and giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Sometimes," he chuckled, keeping his eyes on his path.

"Hmph, well!" I gasped, crossing my arms dramatically, "love you too, Mr. Grumpypants!" Ryker grinned, revealing straight, white teeth. Sometimes, I get curious on how they change into giant canines. The birds high in the leafy roof of the forest sang and squirrels chattered around us and rustled the branches. The land of the Tontitrui had to be, by far, the most beautiful land out of the other two tribes, the Fulgur and the Imbrem Tribes. The Fulgur lives in a valley, surrounded by mountains. The Imbrem lives by a large river that flows into a lake that they dammed up all by themselves.

     Still, with these beautiful woods and meadows, I am lucky to live here, "So, what are we doing today? Since we're done training?" I inquired.

"Well, your warrior celebration will be soon..." Ryker spoke, green eyes distant, "so you know what that means."

"Actually, I don't. Do tell," I replied, eyes bright with undying curiosity.

"You know, the plan, about the Government," Ryker said in a low voice.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed.

"Shh! Remember, it's our secret," Ryker mumbled.

"Right..." I said in a quieter tone.

"Do you think you're ready?" He asked, turning his head to me.

"Of course! How strong can these Government people be?"

"It's not the Government I'm worried about, it's the beasts in the Outside I'm concerned with," he admitted.

"Well, you trained me extra hard for like, seven years so, I think I'm ready," I said proudly.

"Remi, you need to understand that they are powerful, dangerous creatures," Ryker scolded, "you can't be too confident. There will come a time when you get in a fight and you can't win!"

"Don't be so negative, sheesh! We can do this," I assured him, but he only sighed as we made our way into the camp. I saw my best friend, Quinn conversing with her former mentor. She graduated training two years ago, and now, with my graduation in sight, I will finally be able to fight by her side, "Hey Quinn!" The girl turned to me, brown eyes brightening.

"Remi! Did you beat Ryker again?" she chuckled.

"As always," I splayed my fingers and glanced down at my nails.

"So, you excited for the big day?"

"Duh! I've been training for seven years, I'm more than ready!"

"You sure? We run a lot!"

"I'll be fine. And besides, you can fly! Why are you worried about running?"

"Just making sure you're prepared," she shrugged.

"Well, if you really want to prepare me..." I began, smirking, "you could take me on a patrol with the other warriors!"

"No way!" Quinn said, which was the expected answer, "You'll get hurt, or worse!"

"What is up with this tribe and worrying?!" I grumbled, yet I was still grinning.

"There's nothing wrong with the tribe, Remi. You're just so, uh... bold," Quinn said in a lower voice.

"Right, that's the problem," I rolled my eyes, "I mean, there's nothing wrong in being brave right? This tribe gets scared too easily!" Quinn narrowed her eyes, bringing seriousness to the conversation.

"Woah, woah. That's a lot coming from a student. You really shouldn't say that out loud," she chided.

"Ugh, you sound so much like Ryker!" I sighed, shaking my head. Quinn only rolled her light brown eyes. I shrugged at her, then walked away to get myself a meal for lunch. I couldn't wait to become a warrior. This tribe really needs a confidence boost!

The picture above is Remi. I hope you like her!

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