Why me?

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There may be a little swearing, self harm and touching ;)
If you are easily triggered read at your own risk

Jimin was too scared to fall asleep, he was feeling too uneasy about the fact that Taehyung would be staying on the same house as him... Only by the thought of Taehyung bullying him at his own home he was feeling sick and shaky. He had to call Hoseok immediately and tell him about it, he would know what to do...

"H-Hey Hobie!" he said with a shaky voice, making Hoseok worried

"What's wrong Jiminie?" he asked feeling very concerned

"You won't believe what did just happen... Yoongi somehow convinced Taehyung to stay here!! Hobie they hate me! I am scared only by the thought that he is literally staying on the next room!" he said as he forced himself not to cry

Hoseok was taken aback, he didn't even want to imagine what would Taehyung do to him... "Jimin... I wish I could be there but my parents won't let me... Stay strong, lock your door and windows and you'll be fine..." he said, trying to sound convincing

"O-Okay... Thanks! Goodnight Hobie!" said Jimin with a bright smile.

He was so glad that his friends had his back, he was feeling grateful about Jungkook too. Jungkook made the people who were mocking Hoseok stop and after that they grew close.

Jimin's thoughts were on Taehyung again though and he didn't want that, he didn't like the idea of falling for his bully at all... But Taehyung was facing too much trouble as he had seen and something deep inside of Jimin wanted to help Taehyung, but he was scared of him...

Someone knocked on Jimin's door and Jimin opened it enough to take a peak. He saw his cousin and before he closed the door, Yoongi opened it as he chuckled.

"I'm not here to hurt you Jiminie... I want to thank you for letting Taehyung stay, but also inform you that he will stay for the rest of the month... Is there something you want to ask me before I go to sleep?" asked Yoongi with a smile that Jimin hadn't seen in a very long time.

"W-Why d-do you hate me so much Yoongi? We used to be so close..." asked Jimin as he fought back tears

"I don't hate you Jiminie and believe me it has nothing to do with your sexual preference... But there were a lot of things going on and I wanted to be alone..." he said with a pained expression as he stared at the boy whose eyes had softened.

"Oh... I understand... You can talk to me if you feel like it!" said Jimin as he hugged Yoongi tight.

Yoongi hugged him back and told him goodnight. Jimin was actually very happy knowing that his cousin had accepted him and didn't hate him. So he took a shower thinking about his life, every memory he had was with Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin and Hoseok... He was never told the reason why they were separated like that and no one would ever discuss about it...

As he walked out of the bathroom he was wearing only a towel (every bedroom had its own bathroom) and gasped when he saw Taehyung laying on his bed. He had lost it, he didn't want to imagine what would follow now... He knew that as long as they were at school Taehyung couldn't hurt him because there were teachers, but now he was completely helpless.

Taehyung noticed how scared the boy was and grinned devilishly as he saw how well defined was Jimin's body. He smirked and walked towards the shaking boy whose eyes were filled with frustration and terror.

In love with my bullyWhere stories live. Discover now