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Hello, sorry but I was really unmotivated and didn't have anything to write about... :(
But I am back and I also started a new fanfiction called Vacations, it's with Wonho and Jooheon from MONSTA X.
Enjoy this chapter! <3


"It's a notebook and a pen, I bought them for Taehyung... He must be bored here all alone.." he said and looked down. "Will you give it to him for me?" asked the said teenager nicely.

"Why don't you give them to him instead? I heard you didn't have the chance to tell him goodbye..." said Haneul and smirked at the excited boy.

"R-Really?!? T-Thank you so much!" said Jimin with teary eyes making the nurse smile.

"Technically you are not allowed to visit him, but he misses you and he seems miserable... Probably because he didn't get to tell you goodbye either. Follow me!" said the doctor and lead Jimin towards Taehyung's room.

"This is his room, I will let you guys stay together for a little..." said the nurse pattng Jimin's back.

Jimin knocked the door hesitantly and let out a heavy sigh when the boy he wanted to see so badly didn't open the door, but he knocked again harder this time and the door was opened by Taehyung who gasped and his eyes teared up when he saw Jimin.

"J-Jimin?!? I missed you s-so much! Please just take me o-out of here and lets j-just go..." said Taehyung with a shaky voice which cracked at the end of the sentence.

Jimin hugged him tight and pecked the taller's cheek gently as they entered his small room. "I-I am so sorry T-Tae... I should h-have helped you!! I m-missed you too babe..." said Jimin as his eyes started tearing up as well.

Taehyung leaned in, closer to the shorter's plump, pink lips and once their soft lips met they started moving rhythmically. The kiss was not rough, it was passionate and loving... Until Jimin placed his hands on the back of Taehyung's neck and then he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

The kiss became rough and needy, especially when Taehyung bit softly Jimin's bottom lip asking for entrance causing him to moan. The taller boy took his opportunity and entered the boys mouth, exploring it passionately with his tongue, swallowing Jimin's soft and sinful moans.

They both pulled away from the heated kiss panting heavily for air due to their hot make out session. Taehyung looked at Jimin and bit his lip smirking, but once he saw him blushing madly and hiding his face with his small hands he knew Jimin wasn't ready yet.

So he cupped Jimin's cheeks and kissed his forehead softly. "It's okay if you are not ready... I can wait for you..." whispered Taehyung to the other boy's ear receiving a warm eye smile from Jimin.

" whispered Taehyung to the other boy's ear receiving a warm eye smile from Jimin

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