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(Three months pass)
The kid that punched me is named James. He has been picking on me a lot but I don't really care as long as he is not picking on anybody else. He has been asking if I am a boy or a girl and when I say genderfluid he hurts me. I can usually dodge punches or kicks but he picks me up by my shirt and hurts me so I can't move. He is 14 years old and I'm only 13 and smaller. Usually I can push him into the lockers by kicking the lockers launching him back to the other lockers, then that's when I escape. But not this time. I walk into school and I see James waiting for me on the inside where no teachers are around. Him and a 9th grader are standing there. The 9th grader is tall and strong looking. They push me up against a locker hitting my head. "Okay, do what you want." I say. They just look at me and the 9th grader punches me in the face. "Hey stop!" Yells someone's voice. The voice runs up and punches the 9th grader in the face making him fall to the floor. James just looks up and runs. The voice is a boy with brown hair and dark brown eyes that are almost black. "Are you okay?" Asks the boy. He looks like he is in 9th grade because I've see him in my 9th grade calculous 1 class. "Umm yeah I'm fine. I'm used to this, don't feel bad." I say to him. "Come on let's go before he gets up." He says as he runs me around the corner. "Do you want me to tell a teacher?" He asks. "No, if you do then I will get suspended." I say. "Why?" He asks. "I've punched him before when he hit a kid. Since you punched him, you will probably get suspended too." I say. "Oh your right." He says. "I've heard about you, aren't you that genderfluid kid?" He asks. I look down. "Uhh yeah." I say. "That's really cool, I look up to people like you. Anyways my name is Issac." He says. "Thanks, I'm Jay or... Jason." I say. "Well Jay, what grade are you in?" He asks. "I would've been in 7th but I moved up a grade so I'm in 8th." I say. "I'm in 9th. So do you have any friends here?" He asks. "Uh no, this is the first decent conversation I've had with someone since I got here. Which was three months ago." I say. "Yeah, I only have one friend, his name is Ryan but he has a lot of other friends." He says. "Oh don't we take calculus 1 together?" He asks. "Actually yeah I think so. I take 9th grade math instead of 8th." I say. "Woah, that's impressive." He says. "I'm not sure why, because I play a lot of video games and miss class a lot." I say. "Yeah me too." He says laughing. The conversation goes on from there and we end up being really good friends. After my classes I go to lunch and sit at an empty table. I don't eat anything because I'm not hungry. I grab my phone from my front pocket and look at the home screen blankly. I hear a familiar laugh with a laugh I've never heard. "Can I sit here?" Says a voice. I look up to see Issac and a blonde guy with him. "Sure." I say. "This is Ryan." Says Issac sitting down with the blonde kid. I'm surprised I'm sitting with with two 9th graders. "What is that mark on your face?" Asks Ryan. "Oh... Uhh I just got punched, but it's not a big deal." I say. "Yeah Issac told me about you getting bullied but not about someone punching you." He says. "Aiden did it." Says Issac. I'm guessing that is the 9th grade bullies name. "God, I hate him." Says Ryan. Issac looks at me. "So what video games do you play?" Asks Issac. "Um, cs go, call of duty, gta, minecraft..."I say quite. "... Any simulation game, assassins creed, um there are a lot others but I don't want to name them all." I say. "I play all of those too." Says Issac laughing. He laughs really easily. It's cute. "Oh look there is my brother. He is your age." Says Issac waving someone over to him. "Brett, this is my friend Jason, or Jay." Says Issac. Brett looks at me. "Woah, you're the one that punched a 14 year old!" Says Brett. "Yeh." I say laughing. I look out into the hall and see James punching a kid. I guess he moved on from me because he couldn't get to me. I get up and run to the hall and stop James. "Just because you have issues doesn't mean you can take it out on other people." I say to him. "Shut up!" He yells then punches me in the stomach. I drop to my knees and grip my stomach. He hit me harder than usual. Issac comes running in with Ryan and Brett. There is already a crowd around us. I get up from my knees and look him in the eye and smile. He starts to cry. "Everyone has problems so find a way to deal with yours." I say kind of weakly. He runs up the stairs of the school. I help the kid up. "Thanks." He says. I look back at everyone and they are in shock. "Why did you let him do that?" Asks Issac going up to me. "I made him feel sympathy. That's what he needs to stop from bullying people." I say. "But, are you okay?" Asks Issac. "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it." I say smiling. I don't want him to feel bad. I don't want to have the attention. I don't want this to be about me. The bell rings. "I'll see you later." I say running to art class....
I am finally at my last class which is calculous 1. I see Issac staring at me from across the room. I usually always sit by the window of a class room so I can look outside if I get stressed. I look outside and see a picnic table with flowers around it by a pond and a tree. It looks so pretty. The bell rings and we can all finally go home. I hear someone walk up behind me when I go outside. I turn around to see Issac. "I just wanted to say that you are a really nice person and you don't deserve to be hurt." He says. "It's okay I really don't mind it." I say. "Well I do and I'm going to try and protect you." He says. Him saying that made me feel warm. "You don't have to do that." I say. "I know, but I want to. Umm so do you walk home?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. "Dude wait for me!" Yells Brett his voice cracking. "Yeah we do too. Which way do you go?" He asks. "I usually take a shortcut through the forest. But that way would be the way I go if I didn't take the shortcut." I say pointing in the direction of my home. "We could all walk together." He suggests. "Uh sure." I say smiling. Brett and I talk for most of the way there and so do Issac and I. We find out that we live in the same street. I arrive home. "Who were you walking with?" Asks my mom standing next to my dad. "I made some new friends." I say. "That's good!" Says my mom. I head to my room and listen to music thinking about Issac, Brett, and Ryan. I wonder what tomorrow will be like.

Hey guys! I hope you like this story so far. If you do then cool. I'll make the chapters longer soon. I just can't right now because my parents think I'm spending too much time inside so they take me to places like freaking Walmart. Who would want to go there? Anyways BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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