chapter 1

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The rain was pouring hard.
The padders of the creature stirred as it drew closer.

Padder , padder , padder.

You could see a silhouette of a furry creature with its ears perked up, it was soaked in heavy rain falls, drooping it's tail to the ground as if it could not lift it. As it walks nonchalantly striding it's head down the creature's head shot up and looked at the light coming nearer.

There the creature as white as snow stood in the head lights of a car, curling it's lips at the lights with its icy blue eyes.

The car came to a halt. "Shit!" The man in the car yelled as he swerved to the right crashing into a tree. The creature looks at the car as vapor comes out from the front as the car is totaled. The car was black in the night and one of the head lights were out while the other was on.

"Ssshhh" was the noise of the car as the radio play a song in a unfamiliar language. The creature strode up to the vehicle and growled at the man whose body was limp. He awoke and was face to face with the creature as it snarled, lips curled and eyes sending shivers down the man's spine. The man's left ear was covered in crimson red as of his nose and mouth spewing out the same crimson red, oozing down his chin and neck.

"Please. D-don't kill me" he pleaded as though death was awaiting his presence.

The creature looked unsettled and curled back it's lips showing off its set of white long sharp canines. "Please" the man croaked out again. His eyes could barely stay open but the creature knew he was scared. It could feel it's heart rate increase even though he looked relaxed. His body still limp from the crash.

The creature seemed bored and hesitantly left the man only to hear him try to shuffle out if his seat of the vehicle. The creature's features changed to a vicious one and stalked towards the man only to see him crawling away trying to get up. It attacked him and gripped onto his leg pulling him towards it. The man cried out in agonizing pain and horror. The creature tugged and wrestled the man's leg sending agonizing screams from the man. The creature gripped onto his shoulder and bit hard causing the crimson red to bleed through the creatures jaw. It slammed it's massive claws into the back of the screaming man and ripped a chunk of the man's flesh as it dug it's claws deeper into the man's back.

The man was finally dead as the creatures jaws were stained with the crimson red from the man. The creature licked it's lips to get the left over blood off.
The creature looked up and heard footsteps. It wanted to kill them, but knew it was best not to. The creature leaped off into the bushes leaving the man the lay dead on the pavement with a puddle of blood surrounding the area the creature bit into.

"Over there!" A loud voice appeared as it could hear footsteps coming nearer the man. Next thing the creature knew there was a deafening shrill scream.

"What's wrong?" A male voice appeared and could hear the sobbing of the female.

The creature snorted and continued to stride away with its head lowered in a menacing way.

The creature began to pick up the pace leading it's footfalls to a trot. As it trots it's way threw the eiry greenery. The creature ducked under branches jumped and dodged trees until it came to a halt. A growl escaped from its mouth as it's icy blue eyes darted from left and hesitantly to the right.  A deep growl came from the left side of the creature.
The creature snapped it's head in that direction and leaped into a defensive stance snarling at the darkened area as a creature that looked similar to it, grew out of the blackened shadow of the night. It was bigger in height and structure. It's fur a midnight black almost dark blue appeared as it's orange copper eyes stare down at the, now to be little, creature. It growled at the creature and it lowered its head.
The bigger creature began to pad it's way past the white creature with its head held high, going towards a new blurred light.

The white creature followed behind the midnight colored one as they go towards the light.

As they make it a woman with dark brown hair and light olive colored skin stood there wearing a tan night dress. "Where have you been?" She yelled out "your father and I have been looking all over for you, why do you think you can adventure off like that when ever you feel like it young lady?" The woman said as she tapped her right foot on the  patio watching the creatures, mostly the white one. "To your room now" she said sternly as the creature had its head, ears and tail down padding it's way hesitantly past the woman and entering the house.

The woman looked up at the midnight creature as she sighed and said "what am I going to do with her?" As the creature stared down at her nonchalantly.

So this is my very first retry on a chapter. I thought it was pretty good and I'm sorry if you don't like all the gore, or anything like that, but I wrote what I thought sounded good.

ANYWAYS I hope you all like it

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