Chapter 4

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"fucking hell!"

"What is the matter now?"

"Why won't this stupid tree break!?" I scream slamming my fists back into the tree. Hearing a loud pounding noise. My knuckles were red, but no blood or skin broke. Not that I know of that is.

"You're so weak" Piper laughs at me.

"Shut up!" I snarl, punching the tree again. As it still doesn't budge.

"Wow, so scared" Piper taunts me.

I cry out in frustration that turns into a horrific snarl. I feel my body become stronger and I punch the tree again, seeing it fly into another tree slaming and breaking both trees in the process. I heave in and out air.feeling myself calm down alittke bit.

"Very impressive" Piper says not sounding as impressed as I knew I could have made her. She walks up to a tree and stands there. She then cracks her knuckles and makes a fist. She punches the tree trunk and her hand goes right through it.

"Show off" I mutter. As she laughs.

"Told you you're just a puppy. Your brother would have smashed right through that tree without even using all his strength." She points at the tree that now has a hole in the middle of the trunk.

I look at my mess and am secretly proud of myself for the destruction I caused with one punch. The stump of the tree was still in contact to the ground while the other tree had the same thing timbered over instead of completely off the trunk.

"Use all force" I challenge Piper. I want to see how strong she really is.

"Alright" she says walking along to find a good strong tree. Once she did she stood there and took a deep breath. Once she opened her eyes her baby blue eyes were now a sappy brown and she let out a low growl while slashing the tree making it fall breaking into another one that also went fell and smashing into the third one which made the truck bend. I could feel the ground rumble from the vibration of the blow to the tree. "impressive" I say honestly.

"Thanks" Piper chirps happily.

I look up at the trees, seeing the crows fly from the top of the trees. "Is it true what they say about Werewolves?" I ask. Already knowing the answer.

"If it's people's stories then that all is completely out of context. Some humans are right, but that's because they either know one, are one or part of the supernatural world such as ourselves, but no. Why do you ask?"

"What are they truly like?" I ask out of curiosity. I've never met a full blood werewolf in my entire life, besides my dad and he isn't hostile towards humans at all.

"There arr alot of pure blood Werewolves in the pack you know. You can always join them and your brother, the alpha, that is you could rule right by his side. I know he-"

"That's a sweet offer, Piper, but being near hostile creatures isn't for me. I may be half of their kind, but I'm better off alone. Even though I am the daughter of a high ranked supernatural creature. I can't take the risk on getting hurt or hated by half my kind. I'm better off away from both humans and werewolves." I look at Piper and see she's giving me pity. She knows I'm not as strong as I want to be. And that's gonna effect me alot

"You know if I'm put in a highly ranked pack I'm going to have to prove I'm highly ranked. Isnt my dad proof enough though?" I ask her

"Obviously not to them." Piper growls.  "But,River, your brother will help you and protect you. And it's your choice, to stay amongst the humans or join your brother and I in the powerful life amongst your kind"

"You're trying really hard for me to become a member, aren't you?" I smirk at her as she smiles back with a giggle that answers my question loud and clear. "Just think about it Riv. Aidryn can't always help you, he has a whole town of his own to run"

Piper does have a point. If I stay stubborn and indecisive that would put Aidryn at risk of being kidnapped, killed by other supernatural creatures, or his position taken away from him.

I start to bite my thumb nail in thought.

"Alright." I sigh "Aidryn can't risk things for my sake, and seeing I'll be around more of our kind he doesn't have to teach me how to control myself, someone else could." I say with a half hearted smile.

"Great to hear River Biver, I'll tell Aidryn right away" Piper chirps as I see her eyes go misty and cloudy.
I hate communication through the mind. It's not only creepy but it brings you into a dream like state.
It's where you're at your weakest because you're no longer there, you're inside someone else's head, their thoughts. You're conscious and can do things, but you feel like you're dreaming at the same time, like you're not even there. It also takes alot of energy and practice to communicate as so. I myself hate it, because I don't like feeling like I'm not entirely there. Depersonalization if you must say is what it feels like.

"Aidryn said to pack up the things you need and for me to help you, he'll be at the house by 6 and you guys won't be leaving until after school tomorrow, he also yelled at me asking why you weren't at school for the whole day." Piper says looking alittle guilty. "I might be in trouble with your brother" she states.

"Alright, now off to your house and packing up necessities." She says as she stands up.

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