Boyfriend Material

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William woke up at his desk, bleary eyed and extremely tired. The clock read 7 am, two hours before the office opened up. It didn't help he had walked back into his office only 4 hours earlier at 3 am.

He let his gaze travel the span of his office, letting his eyes soak up the sight of his family.

Eric was sprawled on the floor, laying on his back, hair in his face, one arm wrapped around Alan. Alan was hogging the blanket they were sharing and was currently using one of Eric's arms as a pillow. Needless to was adorable.

Then there was the Undertaker, who was lounging on two chairs, hair a a tangled mess as he held Grell on top of him, who was curled on the chest of the silver haired man kind a cat. Grell was snoring softly, and Undertaker was giggling in his sleep....needless to say...they were a little odd. Perfect for each other though.

Then he turned his gaze to where he had last seen Ronald and Lucas. They were.....gone?

"WHAT THE ACTUAL...." the rest of that sentence was finished, but was drowned out by the very loud grumblings of every one who was rudely awakened, well and the laughter of the Undertaker.

Now four sets of eyes were trained on him as William frantically looked around the room, mouth slack.

"Uh, William-San, what exactly is the problem?" Grell asked, slightly bemused by the look on the others face.

"Where, the hell, is Ronald and Lucas? Hmm, where is Ronnie?" He waved his arms around, gesturing widely while the others looked around, surprised by the fact the two weren't there.

Alan didn't fail to notice how William mentioned Ronald twice.

"~Hehehe~ William, woke us up...we know literally the same amount of information you do. ~Hehehe~"

William would have went and throttled the Undertaker, if he wasn't so worried about Ronald. "Well, goddammit, help me find him!!"

No one moved into Eric spoke up, "Well..he said he's serious." Then he proceeded to pull Alan out of the room with him to begin searching for the two missing shinigami.

The Undertaker and Grell soon followed, taking a different hall. Their search didn't get very far though as Grell stopped suddenly, pulling the Undertaker to him.

"You know I love you right, everything about you right?" Grell whispered, moving the Undertakers bangs from his eyes.

"Tell me what you want." Came the silver haired man's reply.

"Oh, I'll tell you what I want." Grell purred, "I don't want you to be anyone's hero but mine." He ran his hands down the Undertakers chest.

A smile appeared on the face of the other, as he opened up the door to the bathroom and the two slipped inside.

Eric and Alan, were wandering aimlessly, a coffee in each of their hands, enjoying simply the presence of each other.

"Hey, Eric." The little brunette looked up from his steaming cup. "Do you think William has, feelings for Ronnie?"

Eric glanced at his significant other, "Are you saying what I think your saying?"

"Well,uh what do you think I'm saying?"

"Uh...I think your saying feelings like what I have for you."

"That's what I'm saying."

"In that case...yes...I think so."

With that the two continued their search.

William, as worried as he was, was not being any help, whatsoever.

'What if he got attacked again, what if he is laying in a pool of his own blood dieing!? What if he is lost and afraid and confused or being tortured. It's all Lucas' fault! I knew he was trouble from the start, something about him is!! I swear when I get my hands on him, I'm going to beat the shit out of him!!'

All these thoughts raced through his head while he blindly searched for his  Ronnie and the filth called Lucas.

Now while all this was happening, the two in question were cuddling together in Ronald's office, why no one had thought to look yet is a question that will forever stay unanswered.

Ronald stretched the best he could, as he smiled softly at the other body curled next to him. Lucas must have sensed his movement caused he leaned up just enough to kiss Ronald on the chin.

Ronald giggled, catching the others lips again in a deeper kiss. As they pulled back, Ronald met the "green" hued eyes of the smaller man with his own vibrant ones.

"I think I love you, Lucas."

Lucas looked straight into the eyes of Ronald, a blush creeping onto his face, he could feel his ears burning, "I...uh....I think I love you too." He managed to whisper.

Ronald let a smile fall on his face, and five minutes of silence settle over the room before he spoke again.

"Lukaboy, will you go out with me?"

Lucas began to hyperventilate slightly, "Yes...yes, of course, yes I will Ronnie."

The two shared a kiss before walking out hand in hand, now boyfriends. They managed to walk straight into Eric and Alan.

"Bloody Hell!! Where have you two been!?" Eric questioned. Alan hanging onto his arm.

Ronald giggled, pulling Lucas into his arms. "We were...just getting to know each other better, weren't we?" He stated, looking at his raven haired boyfriend. Lucas replied with a peck on the lips.

Alan looked startled, "Oh...are you t-two a th-thing?" His face visibly paling.

Ronald looked at him confused, "Uh, yeah...we that a problem?" He questioned.

A voice from behind the two sounded, "Yes. It is a problem." The voice was cold, it had no emotion.

"William?" Ronald questioned, worry in his voice.

That didn't stop William, who marched up to the new couple, and ripped Lucas out of Ronald's arms. This earned a startled squeak from the raven haired man.

William proceeded to pull his arm back, and punched Lucas straight in the face, slamming him against the wall; he began to choke the smaller man.

Lucas kicked and squirmed, flailing his legs as he tried to pull Williams hands off of his neck. He could vaguely hear Ronald screaming and begging for him to stop.

William leaned in until he was face to face with Lucas. "Don't touch what's mine. Do. You. Understand?"

Then all of a sudden, the grip around his throat was gone and Lucas crumbled to the floor, seeing only the heel of a boot before it smashed into his face shattering his glasses, them piercing the skin around his eyes.

Lucas peeked just enough to see the Undertaker holding William down, Grell, Alan, and Eric comforting Ronnie, who was bawling, tears streaming down his face.

As much as Lucas wanted to comfort him, he ran,....he ran blindly, tears blocking his view. He dashed out of the dispatch building, shoving people out of his way.

His feet knew where they were going.

That's why he ended up on his knees infront of his father's grave.

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