The "Good" Doctor

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To top it off, it was raining. No, not raining...pouring, torrents of rain blinding the normal people from being able to see where they were going. It did not, in fact, disrupt those on their mission. Which soon lead them to the red light district, seeing as if was raining, no one was out and about. 

Edward led them through an open door way, up six flights of stairs and to a small wooden door, made out of light oak and rusted iron. He turned to the others in his group, cyan eyes washing over Lucas, breathless from carrying his lover, the man in his arms, lifeless and pale, and finally Dorian, with a soft smile and not a single hair out of place. He straightened the cuff of his trench coat, pushed his top hat out of his eyes, and knocked on the door with his gold tipped cane. 

It creaked open, the sound thunder in their ears. A pale face greeted theirs, with greasy tangled hair falling into eyes void of color. The voice to company the face was hoarse, grating, as if it had not been used in several days. "I wasn't expecting company."

Dorian pushed forward, for once a fear evident in his eyes, something he had yet to feel in a thousand of years. "Victor? What...what happened to you?"

The man in question struggled to focus his eyes, "Nothing. Nothing happened, I am the same old me." The words were spoken caustically. 

"Well then, may we come in?" The question was from Edward, his cyan eyes narrowed, haunted. This was not the man he once knew. Not the man he had talked with but a week ago. This was not Victor.

Lucas, he didn't know their worries though, he didn't know Victor. He saw an opportunity, and his senses that would tell him otherwise were clouded. He pushed through his companions until he was standing in front of "Victor" He stood silent for a brief moment, then spoke quietly and desperately, " You are a doctor, arn't you?"

The pale face nodded, shaggy hair flopping into his face, he opened the door wide; revealing a dusty concave of books and papers. There was a ladder to a loft, and a metal door on the opposite side of the room. 

Everyone filed in, Victor closed the door behind them, turning the lock, then placing the chain, then a large rusty pad lock went on. "Come with me, I sense you are here for an operation. Correct?"

Lucas nodded his head vigorously, the others said nothing. The large metal door was opened, and Victor directed Lucas to wait for him in the separate room. "Don't touch anything, I will be there in just a minute."

Lucas, still cradling Ronald, walked carefully down the metal steps. There were chemicals everywhere, and a large table in the middle, hooked to chains. There were levers and beeping contraptions, as well as dials and a large tub full of what appeared to be water. 

"So, you need my help, in that I am correct?" The caustic voice echoed throughout the room. It was accompanied by the hallowed steps of his boots, leather on metal as he marched down them solemnly. All the while he was wiping his hands on a clean white rag, contrasting greatly to the black he was wearing. "Have a seat."

Lucas did as he was told, watching with now careful eyes as the man called Victor approached him. He had his arm held outright, he wanted to take Ronald, his smile was soft though upon pale lips and his prominent eyes were holding  certain light within them. Once Ronald was in his arms, he cradled him like a baby, still smiling softly. He placed him on the table that was chained up. 

He came back to Lucas, crouched in front of him and rested a pale and vein filled hand on his knee. "Do you know what you are getting yourself into here. Do you know the consequences?" 

Lucas shook his head, for he didn't know. He didn't know why the double sided man called Edward had led them here, just that he would be able to help. His voice was a mere whisper when he answered. He licked his lips, "No, I don't know, I know nothing; just that you can help me."

The man chuckled, the sound like nails on a chalkboard, shattering glass on the floor. For just one instance Lucas thought he could see what appeared to be fangs, elongated teeth where the canines should be. Something sharp entered his neck, then darkness consumed his vision; the last thing he heard was caustic laughter echoing throughout the room.

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