Clones Concoction

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A light shinning into his eye woke Lucas, though it should be stated that his eye was not being opened of its own accord. No, instead it was being pulled open...much like a doctor does when checking pupils for dilation. 

"Oh awake now are you?!" The man performing the actions stepped back, smiling with tight lips. "That's good, very good. How do you feel, young man?"

Lucas gazed at Frankenstein, his eyes finally pulling in to focus. He didn't answer immediately but looked steadily around the room made of brass and concrete. In essence it was a cold room, were evil was held. Vials decorated tables and adorned shelves along the walls, as well as books and bones and body parts in jars. 

"What happened?"

The doctor smiled patronizingly, patting Lucas on the head, before turning with a swish of the cloak he wore and waltzing to the main table in the room. Next to it was a large bed positioned over a tank of water, where wires and chains attached to it in various placed. Ronald lay atop of it. 

"Well my friend, it seems you are sick." He narrowed his eyes pitifully. "You brought your friend here for treatment." A hand waved over Ronald. "You remember that, yes?"

Lucas nodded his head once, leaning back in the chair he was sitting in. 

"Well we left your other two friends in my....waiting room and we came down here." Now he ran his fingers through the dust on the table before looking up again. "When you collapsed, I just managed to catch you. From what I can tell you don't have a concussion, though you might be suffering from something called feinting spells."

"Feinting spells?" Lucas could only question what he was hearing, feinting spells, he had never heard of such thing. 

"Yes, feinting spells." Frankenstein nodded apprehensively. "Many immortals suffer from this, Dorian Gray especially, you only need ask him about it." The doctor turned and began to work at a different table. "I have taken liberty in fixing you up a potion that will halt these little spells; so you need no worry."

Lucas narrowed his eyes again, leaning forward in an attempt to intimidate. Not believing a single word that fell out of the doctor's mouth. He was an odd fellow, really with his blood shot eyes and sunken sockets. 

Frankenstein turned again, bottle of pale green liquid in his hands, "Ah you do not believe me." he said sadly. "Not many people trust me as a doctor, I fear I am sorry. I was only trying to help." He bowed his head briefly and placed the bottle back on the main table, before turning to the large bed contraption. "Never less I do believe you came here for a different kind of healing, yes?"

Lucas pushed himself up from the chair, swaying slightly on his feet before he walked to the opposite side of the table to where Frankenstein stood, and warily rested his eyes upon the unkempt doctor. 

"Ok well I will need you to tell me everything that happened." The doctor had busied himself with mixing and mashing ingredients into a paste of some sort. "When I say everything, I mean everything." He narrowed his eyes over the bottle he was holding. 

Raven hair nodded before the mouth opened. "I don't know everything for sure, but it seems he could have been beaten numerous times, he was almost raped, he could have possibly been hit by a car, abducted, tortured. I don't really know much...just...that he is dead; and it is my fault." His head hung in shame. 

Frankenstein glanced up from the concoction he was making to offer a few mournful words of peace. "Once this is complete and the time is right, you will have all the time in the world to make it up to him. Trust me." He went back to his mixing, randomly explaining what he was doing here and there. "Now this herb will dull all pain, and this one will increase healing. This purple one, it helps relax the joints from reawakening. I will also through in a few herbs for feinting spells, they get worse with the whole lightening thing." He swirled the potion in front of his eyes, scrutinizing it. 

Lucas, unknowingly being watched by the doctor, picked up the bottle that was set out for him. For a few minutes he gazed at it, speculating; then he uncorked it and swallowed it all in a single gulp. A soft smile appeared hidden from his eyes. 

A comfortable silence fell in the lab, only the sound of bags being opened and the mashing of herbs and splashing of water could be heard. It no longer held an evil feeling in the room, but one of hope, and awaiting joy. 

Of course this was to be interrupted as all things such as this are. For the large metal door of the lab swung inward, clanging against the wall to reveal three silhouettes. The two on the floor turned heads to acknowledge the intruders. 

"I am going to have to ask you to stop what you are doing." Came the sharp and hardened voice of Dorian Gray who descended the stairs gracefully. 

Behind him came a young man, who looked much like Doctor Frankenstein. 'Probably his son.' Lucas thought to himself. Though this man was much less pale, and his eyes bottle neck green and heavily shadowed. He seemed an adventurer, covered in dust and grime. 

He approached Lucas, cautiously for he had dealt with demons many a times before. Carefully he pulled Lucas away from the doctor, and positioned himself between the two. Lucas stumbled in his confusion, "What exactly is going on?"

He was silenced by a chuckle from Edward Hyde, who still stood on the platform of the stairs by the door; he leaned on the railing with cyan eyes admiring the tawny haired intruder. His rough voice brought light to the situation. 

"You have been in here for the past hour and a half, with a clone." He clarified before breaking out in boisterous laughter; earning an eye roll from Dorian. 

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