The Disease in the Sea - Part 2

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As they pulled into their driveway, they saw Albert waving two Juno's Burger coupons in the air. When Larry saw them, "Wahoo!! Juno's here we come!" Larry was bubbling with excitement. "C'mon, Sheldon! Let's go, lets' go let's go!"

"Sure!" Agreed Sheldon. Swoosh! They were off, again.

"UUUGGGH!" Yelled Larry. "Traffic!!!" HONK! Went Larry's beeper boat. "C'mon dude! Get out of my way!" Larry's pink skin turned red with frustration.

"Larry," Sheldon screamed over Larry's loud voice. "It's OK! We'll still get to eat burgers!" Larry was still honking his horn and screaming at random drivers. "Larry!" Sheldon shouted again. "Calm down!"

"Pfh, I am way calm!" Larry stated, casually.

It had taken the boys two hours to get to Juno's and it was already 5:30. "Finally!" exclaimed Larry, when the waiter had directed them to an open table. "Time to eat!" Larry and Sheldon were seated on a soft, tan bench, and they picked up the large menu.

"I'd like a Juno's special please!" Larry remarked.

"Okay", agreed the waiter, Wardo "would you like a drink and fries with that?"

"Ooh, yes please!" Larry replied.

"And what drink would you like?"

"Soda, please."

"And what would you like?" Wardo pointed to Sheldon.

"Oh, um, I'd like a sea burger with extra bacon."

"Alright then," Wardo scribbled on the notepad he held in his hand. "Would you like a drink?"

"Um, yes! Why not?" agreed Sheldon.

"What drink would you like?"

"Iced tea, please. Thanks Wardo." Wardo wandered off to go tell the chef what to make.

"Sunday nights here sure are busy!" Sheldon admitted. "I hope they give us our food fast."

"Agreed!" Larry sighed. To pass time, the boys played a game called The Guess Mess. "You don't know how to play The Guess Mess?" Larry asked Sheldon.

"No!" remarked Sheldon. "Now how do you play?"

"Well, I say something about me, and you say if it is true or false." exclaimed Larry. "Let's play! OK. Let me think..." A few seconds passed. "Oh, Oh, I got a good one!" Larry blurted. "If I get married, I will name my kid Baby Bob."

"Oh, that's a toughie!" Sheldon sighed. "Um, I'm going to go with true!" Sheldon didn't have a clue.

"Yes!" Larry exclaimed. "How did you know?"

"Oh, I have my ways," Sheldon whispered, mysteriously.

"Look!" Larry shouted. "Our food is ready!"

"Yes! Wahoo!" exclaimed Sheldon.

"Ready, set, go!" Sheldon exclaimed. Crunch! Slurp! Smack! Gobble, Gobble! Munch! "3.7 seconds! New record!" Sheldon hollered. "Man, you can eat burgers fast, just like a frog eats bugs!"

"Why, yes I can," Larry bragged.

"Well," Sheldon glanced at is watch. "It's probably time for us to go home."

"Probably," Larry agreed. The friends hopped off the seat and headed to the clean, glass doors.

SLAM! Out the door they went. 

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