The Disease in the Sea - Part 5

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One Month Later

"Hey Larry!" Sheldon shouted as he passed the seaball to Larry. "Want to go to Juno's later today?"

"Sure," Larry replied, as he did a trick with the ball. "Or should we go now?"

"Um, now sounds great," Sheldon agreed.

The boys scrambled into the beeper boat.

"I'll go tell Albert we're going to Juno's." Sheldon ran into their house and screamed, "Albert! We're going to Juno's. We'll be back in an hour."

"OK," replied Albert.

Sheldon sprinted back into the beeper boat and SWOOSH! VROOM! They were off to Juno's.

"Hey, Sheldon," Larry said, shyly. "You know you're like a brother to me."

"Aw, thanks old buddy," Sheldon replied.

For the rest of the ride, not a peep came out of either friend.

As the two friends strolled over to their favorite table, they came across some women.

"Why, hello ladies!" Larry exclaimed.

"They're humans," Sheldon thought. "But how can they breath under water?" Sheldon's mind was buzzing with millions of questions, while Larry had plopped himself down on the bench, and was busy flirting with the girls.

"So honey, what's your name?" Larry asked.

"Amelia," the girl replied.

It was love at first sight.

Suddenly, Sheldon turned his head over in Amelia and Larry's direction. There was another girl sitting next to Amelia, who was batting her eyelashes at Sheldon. "Hi, sweet tarts!" She said. "I'm Lulu! What's yours?"

"Sheldon. Nice to meet you," Sheldon stated.

By that time, Amelia and Larry had ordered a burger to split, extra cheese, not tomatoes. Sheldon walked over to another table in the back corner, ordered his burger and ate in silence.

Soon after Sheldon had finished eating, he walked over to Larry, Amelia, and Lulu. AS he approached the table, he saw that Larry had invited Amelia over for dinner.

"Want to eat some real food instead of this junk?" Larry asked. "You can come over to my place if you want."

"Sure!" Amelia agreed, sweetly. "Oh, um also, can we stay with you? I'd really appreciate it."

"Lulu should probably come too," Sheldon sighed.

"Let's roll," Larry hollered.

The four friends ran out the door pumping their fists in the air. They hopped into the blue beeper boat, and drove off, leaving a trail of sand behind them.

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