7. lies

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I woke not prepared for today at all, all I wanted was to go home and be with my friends like old times. Today we were meeting with the boys for the first time well not for my dad but ya know.

I put my hair in a messy bun and dressed in comfy clothes, Australia is pretty nice to be honest. Apparently Jacob and my dad have "beef" so why tf did he want to follow me anyways.

"Look who requested to follow me", I said scrunching my nose up.

"Jacob", CJ asked ecstatically.


"I wonder why I mean him and dad are like enemies in a since right", CJ said.

"I dunno", I shrugged.

"Guys were leaving in 5", mom yelled.

"Okay", CJ just said. I was still disgusted that they had sex with no precautions that we were obviously there.

We got into a cab to meet them at some ice cream place.

I saw two boys with brown hair pop up. They were short, about as tall as me.

"I'm Brandon", the shorter one said. I remember him from my coma dream! WEIRDDDDD.

"I'm hunter", the other one said.

Great who invited tweedle dum and tweedle Dee.

"Addison", I said giving them the fakest smile I could put on.

"Can I call you something cool like Addie Son", hunter laughed. I stayed a straight face and it turned awkward..... For him.

"No my uncle Shawn calls me that", I said defensively.

"Um oh sorry", he blushed.

"So my brother is a little too old for you but I'm not",Brandon smirked. I laughed. Not like a, "oh I'm flattered" laugh. Like a, Hayes has a better chance of getting with me than you do and he wouldn't even stay in the hospital with me more than ten minutes.

"Um okay", he said walking a way.

I added them on snap shat because I know people throw shade up there and just my luck he had put something on his. He being Brandon.

"Bitchy Blonde"

Oh he's got another thing coming for him.

I walked back up to him while dad and mom were in a convo with his mom and hunter.

I tapped his shoulder and he turned around.

"Yes", he smirked.

"Why don't you @ me next time", I said.

"Huh", he said.

I just stared at him. If looks could kill.

"Ya know just because I don't fall to my knees at the sight of you like all these other girls doesn't mean I'm a fucking bitch and don't you ever under estimate any blonde you ever meet again", I said.

"Who do you think you are", he said.

"Addison Elise Dallas", I smiled.

"Your'e a no one I even have more followers than you on Instagram", he said. That 100% false but I'll let him think so.

"Congrats you deserve something for your glorious achievement", I smiled.

I simply picked up my ice cream and threw it straight on him.

"Keep the spoon", I said throwing it at him before running into the bathroom so my dad didn't see me.

I had it all planned out.

I went into the bathroom and looked under all the stalls. Empty. Every. Single. One.

I started to dance around to the bathroom music like a fool. And running and "leaping" on my crutches.

Someone opened the door so I went to fake wash my hands.

It was someone familiar.

"Addison", the mystery girl said.

"Uh yeah",I smiled. Is that Lindsey from my cd. Yeah I'm calling my coma dreams cd's now because coma dreams is soooo long.

"It's Lindsey", she smiled.

"I thought so", I said.

"What are you doing here", she asked.

"Oh just around with my family were here for my dads job actually", I smiled.

"Oh yeah how's your dad", she asked.

"Um fine", I shrugged.

"How do you know him", I asked.

"Oh we were um working together at a time", she said.

"Um okay well I gotta go", I said grabbing a whole bunch of paper towels.

"Addison Brandon says you threw that on him", he said with anger in his eyes.

"No that's not what happened, him and I were laughing together having a fun time and I playfully punched him with my hand that had ice cream in it and my ice cream spilled I brought paper towels because I felt terrible", I said. I'm pretty good at lying when I hate someone.

"Oh that's sort of sweet of you", dad said.

Once he walked back to Brandon's mom I threw the paper towels at him and sat with Kate and CJ.

Blake walked in soon and he wasn't ugly but he wasn't cute either. I had mixed feelings.

He hugged dad and talked with my mom. Then he came over to me, if I use my RBF maybe he will ignore me. Sometimes learning how to be a total introvert is a plus to your life.

"Hi I'm Blake", he said.

"What's up", CJ smiled.

"Nothing I'm so hype to be here it's like crazy and the fans are beautiful", he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Stay beautiful baby I love you", I mocked. Cuz that's exactly what they always say in there insta photos.

Or "Tag three friends" I highly doubt 1 of my friends wants to see you what makes you think 3 of them do.

Selfish much¿

He hit it off with CJ but with me, well i just didn't want to talk to them. I missed the old times in my cd's. Ew

I used to be the baby and when they weren't meeting fans the attention was always on me. Not saying I hate my life or anything because it could be much worse but I do hate how things are going right now. It makes me regret my dad being in magcon to begin with because the new magcon ruined the way I think of recreations or even sequels. I'm scared to see finding dory, there might be cringey fish in it. Although I doubt that Disney has only failed a sequel like once.

Soon my mind went blank and I forgot what happened. Oh well.

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