Chapter 1: Prepare for collision

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The human body a highly advanced system consisting of a variety of different cells in which hold the key for sustaining life. The most significant organ in which the body envelops, the brain. Managing the many aspects that make up our own perceptions of the world. In the blink of an eye all of that can change. Life can end in instant. As one takes a breath in the other takes their last breath out. It's funny looking down at you-your body completely lifeless. I've seen soo many dead corpses soo many lives slip away into the endless abyss and swallowed into darkness. There was no meaning held I treated each and everyone of them as a case. That's all they were to me; their lives, their love ones left behind, they were just casualties that came along with death, they meant nothing to me. All that mattered was solving the case and yes catching a murderer. It should come as no surprise that people perish it is but the natural course of life taking place . "All lives must come to an end", as Mycroft always told me, "caring is not an advantage". Then this should be no different. How can this body laying before me be you. You're not here therefore this isn't you, this isn't John Watson.
Once again we were bombarded by the media Sherlock and I have made quite the reputation for ourselves. Sherlock seemed more comfortable with his new found publicity as he rose in popularity. After recovering the Turner painting of The Reichenbach Falls there wasn't a soul in all the entirety of London who didn't know the name of Sherlock Holmes. He still remained his posh, abrasive, observant self but he knew the drill when the cameras came out stand up tall, smile, and occasionally put on that hideous deerstalker to amuse the crowd. When we arrived at 221B the grand assortment of gifts we've received yet again expanded.

"They're nothing but useless and hollow trinkets. Why do they even bother sending us such rubbish?", Sherlock sighed exasperated, scanning amongst the massive array of gifts before settling upon one with strangely black wrapping and a crimson red bow.

I rolled my eyes before responding back to his remark, "They wish to show their gratitude and utter most appreciation. Their way of rewarding and repaying you for all that you've done".

He snickered sickeningly placing the gift on the kitchen table or as he preferred to call it the experiment table. He then proceeded to pick at the gift with tweezers and a pair of wire cutters with exact precision. Sweating with each cut made piercing through the wrapping as if whatever inside would explode at any given moment. Once satisfied he rummaged through the fridge bringing out a graduated cylinder containing a green substance. With a dropper he perfectly measured 50 ml pouring it on the gift and soon turned to face me. "I absolutely loathe those who try to please others with possessions. Typical of the human race to be so materialistic".

Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak I noticed steam eminating from behind him.

Sherlock whipped around a sudden excitement came over him he clapped his hands together in the air. "Ooo I like this. Finally someone with some taste". He smirked picking up the beaker of chlorine that was inside the package, "Someone actually did their research". He explained,"mixing Ammonia and Chlorine make quite the chemical react-John whatever is the matter?".

I knew this all to well the Chlorine wasn't just a Sherlock enthusiasts way of saying thank you... it was a message to me. A message from one of London's most villainous and a reminder of the deadly arrangement made to which I agreed. "Suddenly I feel ill".


And I immediately fell into unconsciousness.

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