Chapter 7: Barricade

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Friendship is a forged bond between two or more individuals based on a mutual connection. Friendship seemed like a whole new world to me something completely out of my grasp. I was comfortable with it being this way because I was able to be myself without caring what others thought of me. I vowed to never cross into that world and to never hold onto anyone just because of my shortcomings that made me so much like them. Many rely on other people for comfort and support but not I. There was only me and the rest were nothing but incompetent fools. And that's how I lived a many years until someone decided to collide within my very being. John. The one and only person who I considered even worth my level of expertise. If only I knew what I was getting into, Choose friendships with care for you become what they are. When you pick your friends you are picking your future. And just when I've grown accustomed to having him by my side, he's got himself thinking about marriage. Friendship is by far one of humanity's cruelest jokes and tranquilizers. To think you can suddenly have it all to it being stripped from you when you least expect it. But to intervene would mean to care and to admit a disadvantage. A mind which cannot control it's body's emotional reactions is no mind worth having. I have no right to dictate the path in which John wishes to take and prevent him from what close happiness he could achieve. So I remember that when I am left alone as an era comes to an end it's not my fault. The reason I'm left is because the person that left me has already fulfilled his intended purpose. If I tried to go aganist order as far as to stop someone else's life from moving, I'd inevitably hinder my own from where this tradgic life is trying to take me.

"Goodbye, of luck".

Friendship is what led me here to this point. Although, I go through many obstacles that never seem to end with his companionship I am able to push pass them and keep moving on ahead. We worry to much, we spend so much time on what if's and what not's that we don't enjoy life. It is impossible to see the future that is why we must be our own person with our own way of thinking. If I fall, I fall. The decisions we make we can doubt them but they inevitably lead us to other new decisions, we can't go back. That's what makes forsaking our own happiness for another worth doing. When all is said and done I remember I don't regret anything, I'm proud that I met him. For that reason, I can't bring myself to marry her. I won't do it. I don't want temporary, I want permanent. If we wish to get anything in this life we must be willing to put the effort to be the change we wish to see. I have a plan. A plan to save him.

"If you really want to hurt him. Your thinking way to small", I caressed her cheek.

"And how would you know", Sebastiana said stubbornly with her arms crossed.

"He'll still come by. We'll still do things it will be just the same", Sebastiana pushes me but I catch her arm holding her hand. I look into her eyes deeply, "If you want things to be different I need to be out of the picture".

"What are you implying?", she pratically melted right there in front of me.

I picked her up bridal style and whispered in her ear, "I need to be dead".

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