How it happened

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"Im not even sure what's in here," The Doctor laughed. "You know, it could be anything really." He twirled the end of Felicity's ponytail. "Could be deadly, could be harmless." He raised his eyebrows at Oliver, who stood several meters away, bow raised, string pulled taught. "Its probably deadly, though." He shrugged and placed his hands on the back of the chair in which Felicity was bound.
"Put the syringe down." Oliver commanded, his voice steady but fear was still evident. "This battle is with me, leave her out of it." His eyes flitted to Felicity's, round and terrified. He tightened his grip on the bow.
"Oh, but it's so very fun to hold captives." The Doctor curled his fingers around Felicity's shoulders causing her to squirm with discomfort. "I've never had a captive before, you know." He furrowed his unruly brows. "Its a shame. I should have done this much sooner."
A sudden voice sounded from behind him. "Put it down." Laurel, Diggle and Sara approached from behind.
"Ah," The Doctor let go of Felicity and spoke. "More friends come to help save your darling Felicity?"
"Let. Her. Go." Oliver growled, his worries increasing by the second and patience decreasing just as quickly, if not faster.
"Im afraid not." The old man shrugged before swiftly plunging the syringe into Felicitys neck.
The second his fingers even twitched Oliver let loose and arrow, and then another just to be sure, then another because he was furious. But the Doctor was determined to inject the blonde with whatever serum he had cooked up and his practiced fingers moved too quickly to be stopped by the arrows. "What a w-wonderful final experiment..." The Doctor gasped out, his crisp white lab coat rapidly staining red. Oliver glared down at the man who had stumbled backwards seeing as there were 3 arrows lodged in his shoulder. "A success I would say..." The old mans eyes fluttered shut and he crumpled to the ground, unmoving.
The syringe fell to the floor with a metallic clang and Oliver was by Felicity's side in seconds, Sara, Laurel and Digg following in quick succession.
"Felicity!" The blondes eyes had gone wide with shock and her breathing was much faster than it should be. Laurel sliced through the ropes on Felicity's wrist with Diggles pocket knife while Oliver gently pulled off the duct tape gag. "Talk to me, Felicity!"
"Wha-what the-" She stopped breathing for a second and her body convulsed. "Hell w-was." She gasped for breath. "In th-that syringe." The blonde lurched forward from the chair, semiconscious, Oliver catching her and wrapping her securely in his arms.
"Digg, what do we do?" Sara turned to John her big eyes overflowing with concern.
"I-dont, I- We need to flush the toxins from her system somehow..." Diggle seemed unsure.
"She's burning up." Laurel said, a gentle hand placed against Felicity's forehead.
Felicity twitched violently in Olivers arms as the serum ran its course, invading every inch of her body.
"Is-is this what... V-vertigo f-eels... l-like...?" The blonde mumbled into Olivers chest.
"Worse probably." He cradled her in his arms.


Once they arrived back in the Arrow cave Oliver gently laid Felicity down on their surgical table. Her eyelids drooped and she seemed to stop resisting the serum as much as she had been before. "Hey!" Oliver squeezed her hand. "Do. Not. Fall. Asleep."
Blue eyes fluttered open and sleepily roamed his face."o-ok." she had stopped twitching now but was still feverish and weak.
"Dont worry, Lis, Diggs gonna fix you, ok?" Oliver moved away from Felicity, slowly and reluctantly dropped her hand, allowing Diggle to take over.

When he was finished doing all that he could John joined the rest of the team. "I did what I could." He gave Oliver a pat on the back. "If she gets any worse we'll have to take her to the hospital."
"What the hell was in that serum." Oliver asked, anger resonating in his voice.
"I've never seen anything like it before." Sara wrinkled her brow.
"Me either." Laurel shook her head. "How is she?"
"Well," Dig sighed and glanced at Oliver whose face was set in a stony grimace. "I'm not entirely sure...I think she'll be ok though."
Laurel nodded, oliver bobbed his head slightly, looked down.
"That old guy is one sick son of a-" Sara started but was cut off by a sudden thud from across the room.
"Felicity!" Oliver shouted when noticed the metal table was now empty.
"O-Ollie?" A voice sounded, it was much higher and younger sounding than Felicity's.
Confused and concerned the group vacated the previous discussion and rushed for the table.
Oliver, being the first to arrive looked down in absolute confusion.
"Felicity?" Diggle asked, his face a picture of shock.
"You're-you're." Laurel stuttered lost for words.
"Adorable..." Sara grinned.
"What? I-" Felicity looked down at herself and yelped. "Oh my God!"

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