~Garroth (MCD)~

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Y/N (your name)

Y/E (your eye colour)

Y/H (your hair colour)

In this story you're a Yggdrasil elf


Garroth POV

Everyone headed back to Okasis to help rebuild the place to its rightful level of peace and equality, no more tu'la guards roaming around ruining it. My mother, Zianna, my dad (A/N lets just say they rescued his dad ok?), vylad, aphmau, travis, lucinda, katelyn, and I, all set out in different areas of Okasis to clean up the mess, there may not have been much destruction when I killed Ivy but when I had to fight the rest of the Tu'la guards things had got pretty chaotic not to mention they thought it would be fun to destroy stuff before hand. I worked my way up to the next house, it had completely fallen apart.

As I was moving the rubble I swear I heard a very faint yelp from the brick...I picked up my pace and shoved the wreckage out of my view, the yelps turned into cry's for helped. I moved one last rock out and saw a girl there...she...she looked so familiar...but whoever she was...she was beautiful

"O-oh my irene! a-are you alright?! how long have you been there for?" I say pulling the poor girl out, it's a miracle she's even alive"

"I-I'm fine...I was only here for around four nights an-...g-garroth?" She said looking up and me with her eyes full of hope

"...you know who I am?"

"it is you...oh my irene...garroth! GARROTH YOUR ALIVE!!!" She said springing up and jump hugging me


Garroth brought me inside and introduced me to the others. He seemed so confused, apparently he doesn't recognise me...got to admit that kinda hurts considering I've known garroth since I first came to Okasis. I explained to Garroth how I was a Yggdrasil elf that worked as one of his maids when I first came to Okasis, I was him and his brothers favourite cause I would sneak in sweets for them during anytime of day.

"Y/N...I can't believe you're still here...I would've thought for sure that the tu'la guards killed you and...I missed you so much" Garroth said hugging me, I blushed a little, I always liked Garroth and when his marriage was arranged with him and Nicole I felt heartbroken, but Garroth didn't want to do it, he told me his escape plan but I didn't know where he went after he left.

"I'm a lot stronger then I look Garroth, I thought you would trust me with something like that" I give him a warm smile.

"heheh! yeah I guess I did, still, it's like a miracle your here!" Garroth said beaming with joy

"heh yeah well...I did get caught at one point...they stripped me of my immortality so...I'm pretty much your age I guess" I shrug

"oh...I'm sorry to hear that...I'm amazed you got out of it though!" 

"meh, I can do a lot of amazing things" I smile

Everyone had left us alone for time to catch up, it's nice knowing garroth has gotten to know such lovely people.

"You have a lot of great friends garroth, which one's your girlfriend" I ask wiggling my eyebrow

"heh yeah there gre- WAIT WHAT?! I-I D-DON'T EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" He said blushing. 

My body shivered, its been 16 (A/N Counting the years as to how long Garroth was in pheonix drop before he met aphmau) years since I've seen garroth and he's basically surrounded by women!...this can only mean one thing...I STILL HAVE A SHOT WITH HIM!

"seriously? but, you're garroth! SURELY someone has been on your mind!" I say

"There was one girl, but she likes someone else heh" Garroth said, his eyes were filled with nothing but sadness 

"...at least she knows how I feel" He almost looked like he was about to cry...I guess it must of brought up some heartbreaker or painful memories.

"I...I hate to hear that...I'm so sorry...whoever it is you're talking about, I won't ask who in case you'd rather not talk about it, but whoever it is you're talking about is missing out on a lot and it's there fault if they can't see it" I give him a warm smile resting my hand on his leg. 

He smiles back at me "thanks Y/N" He hugs me "see this is why you've always been my favourite" he...hugs tighter "you're the best kind of person and if I made a list of all the reasons why you're the best, heh, that list would be longer then Santa's naughty and nice list" He chuckles

I blush but I can't help but laugh, thats the cheesiest thing I've ever heard, I've never seen this side to Garroth before, granted it's been years since I've seen him but from the story he told me it seems it's only been 1 year for him, maybe he just went through a big change in that time because I've never seen garroth so gentle, so happy...and so genuine...I like it.

I finally stop laughing "that's the, ha, cheesiest thing I've, haha, ever heard hahaha!...I'm glad you came back garroth...I missed you so much...things were never the same without you...it...was really sad and lonely without you there an-" I was going to keep rambling on but Garroth interrupted me by gently holding my chin and smiling at me

"...don't bring all that up...that's when I made the stupid choice of leaving...I promise you I'll never leave again, because now I have no reason to" He smiles

"Garroth..." I say tears filling my eyes as he slowly pulls me closer

"besides...if you plan on staying here...then that gives me a bigger reason to stay here with you" he says as he pulls me in for a massive bear hug. I hug back tightly, tears of joy run down my cheeks.

"...I love you...Y/N..." he says pulling away and looking me straight in the eyes with a genuine smile

"I love you to garroth...I knew you would come back some day, there was no way you could've died" I grin

Garroth laughs a little "haha, of coarse not! I'm a prince after all!...and a prince always finds his way to his princess" Garroth says just before he pulls me in again for a gentle, passionate kiss.

T.H.E E.N.D :D


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