~Zane (MCD)~

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This is set in MCD Season 1 before Zane and Garroth get stuck in the Irene dimension

Y/N (your name)

Y/E (your eye colour)

Y/H (your hair colour)

Italics = thoughts


Nighttime has fallen, Okasis guards are on patrol, all prisoners have fallen asleep, and soon enough Y/Ns plan will all fall in place and The High Priest of Okasis Zane Ro'meave (A/N Man thats a long title) will fall into a deeper sleep then anyone else.


My name is Y/N, I am a high class assassin of the theift guild on the outskirts of Okasis. My mission is to assassinate The High Priest of Okasis Zane Ro'meave...truth be told I don't want to go through with this mission, I used to be so close with the Ro'meave family, but Zane has changed and I've already had multiple clients asking me to eliminate him...I can't stall it any longer, I must fulfil my commission, and I must kill Zane.

I sneak in through the sewers with my weapons around my waist. I took my finest set of blades in case there was a struggle. I sneak around the castle when an Okasis Guard spots me

"hm? HEY! STOP RIGHT THERE!" He yells and starts chasing me, this alerts 5 more Okasis Guards that come after me as well

"Shit...this place is more secured then I had originally anticipated" I say I smirk under my mask as I pull out my Knightly dagger (A/N look it up) and continue to run until I reach a dead end

"No where to run you vermin!" one of them yells drawing his sword at me

"You heard him! now if you come with us peacfully we won't have t-" I cut him off by back flipping off the wall and landing feet first on one of the guards faces,the rest of the guards start attacking me, I whip out my dagger and slit two of there throats, I pick up one of the bodies and through it into the other two guards, I pull out 4 shurikens and strike the two guards one shuriken in the face and another in the throat beheading one of them. I pull my mask back up and run off to the main building were zane was hiding. ...wait weren't there 6 of them?

3rd person POV
Little did Y/N know one of the guards had run off to the high priest

Zane's POV
"So...we have an intruder do we?" I spoke crossing my arms in disappointment. Not only that but it's a thief as well, honestly I get so many of these it's not funny, can't they just leave me alone?! What I do doesn't involve them.
"Y-yes, to be more specific, it's an assassin"
The guard stuttered.
I sigh "ugh, very well just get more guards, you don't need to inform me every single time we get an intruder you know" I scold him.
"Y-yes but...I-I wouldn't be t-telling you I-if I didn't have any other additional information for you sir" he stuttered again.
"Well ok then quit wasting my time and tell me!" I yell.
"D-do....do you by chance...r-remember Y/N?" He spoke.
".....Y/N...yes I remember.....why do you bring it up?" I say....Y/N...I haven't heard that name in years...maybe it's because I tried to block it out if memory after she disappeared out of no where...
"W-well, i-I caught a glimpse of the Assassins mask falling down for a second a-and w-well, they make a striking resemblance, it may even be the same Y/N from those years ago"
.....that can't be....I clench my fists and dismiss my guards from attacking the intruder...I chuckle to myself "let's have a little fun...Y/N"

This is odd, where are all the guards... I dash around the houses and make it to Zane's castle quicker then expected this makes no sense, where are all the guards?! Is he trying to ambush me? But how can he ambush me in his own house?! I sigh in frustration reminding myself just how mysterious and sinister Zane is, I have to outwit in, fortunately I have the upper hand, Zane has no way of telling which door/window I could be entering from. I chuckle to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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