~Aaron (Mystreet)~

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Y/N (your name)

Y/E (your eye colour)

Y/H (your hair colour)


Aaron POV

I had a long talk with Aphmau yesterday...I really hope she isn't to hurt about it. I still want to be her friend it's just I don't feel the same feelings for her as I used to...it was just a silly childhood crush, it's rare that those things last a lifelong relationship...it would be nice to find someone like that, but that's rare for a guy like me. I think I'll start wearing a bandana around my eye's, it's a weird fashion choice to some people but for me it feels like I can be alone...where I belong.

Aphmau POV

I wonder how Aaron's doing, he seemed ok with it, Kawaii~Chan on the hand is having a mental break down over her "ship" I mean I respect her enthusiasm she had for me and Aaron but things just didn't work out between us. 


"Kawaii chan, just cause you THINK we made a cute couple it doesn't mean we were made for each other, me and Aaron had our fun times but things didn't work out, you can't force us to stay together" I tried to reason with her

"WAAAAAHAHAHAAAAA APHMAU SENPAI YOUR SO MEAN HOW COULD YOU SINK KAWAII CHANS SHIP LIKE THIS" I try to stop her but she continues to cry all the way up to her room. I sigh, but I remember that we were supposed to get a new neighbour today. I look out the window and sure enough I see a bunch of moving trucks next door to Aaron's house, I see Aaron leave his house to check it out too. I'm not in the mood to see Aaron right now so I'll maybe introduce myself tomorrow.

Aaron POV

I look out the window to try to get a glimpse of who my new neighbour is, from here it looks like she's a girl...a very pretty girl...a very...familiar...girl...I rush out the house to see the girl.

"no way...Y/N IS THAT YOU?!"


Did someone just say my name? I turn around and see some guy calling out to me, although of coarse the first thing I notice about him is HOT DAYUM HE'S GOT NICE ABS!! I have to hold back from drooling heheh

"um, hi do I know you? oh are you my new neighbour"

"Y/N I don't believe it! I haven't seen you since college it's me aaron!" he yells grinning

"A-ARON?! Oh my god! y-your kidding! I barely recognise you with that bandana and hoodie on you" 

"oh sorry heheh" he took off the hoodie and bandana and revealed his face, he hasn't changed, he's still dreamy ol Aaron 

"So your my new neighbour? thats great! hey when your finished would you mind if I came over? I'd love to see the place when it's done and it would give us a chance to catch up" He smiled

"sure that sounds nice, I'll uh tell you when you can come over I guess" I smile back, he nods and leaves. I can't believe its him after all this time I- whoa hold on, calm down girl he's already got someone I shouldn't try anything

*Le time skip*

I hear the doorbell ring and rush to the door to be greeted by Aaron, I invite him in and he is already admiring the house

"wow, you got a good deal this place looks great!" he smiles at me

"heheh thanks, I guess its just a bonus that it turned out it was next door to you" a jokingly wink at him

"heh yeah...you know I'm really glad I you came when you did, it couldn't of been a better time since me and aphmau just broke up yesterday" he sits on the couch with a slight frown

"you what?! why would you break up with aphmau you two were perfect together?!" I exclaim sitting next to him

"things just...didn't work out...and even then when I was with her it just didn't feel entirely right, like something was pulling me back from her...and I'll never know what it is but I think I made the right decision" he sighs

"Well, I'm glad you're doing what you think is right but...what now? are you going to find someone else or..." I reply. I hope thats not rude of me to ask, he JUST broke up after all!

"Well I have been eyeing someone" He blushes, YOU MEAN MY CHANCES ARE ALREADY CRUSHED?!

"o-oh r-really? well uh w-who would the b-be?" I ask trying to hold back tears

"you..." he mumbles under his breath...did I hear that right?

"...what?" I ask

"uh you know what it's nothing, u-uh heh hey m-maybe I should g-go y-you probably h-h-have a lot of unpack to d-do heh" he stutters getting up

"what? b-but you just got here, a-and I've already finishes packing up!"

He tries to leave but I grab him by his jacket from behind

"Aaron, I understand you just broke up but you've been acting really off ever since I saw you!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, i-if you understand that I just broke up then you would know it's very normal to act a little off! now can you please let me go" He struggles

"NO! It's normal to act off maybe but not like this! just tell me whats wrong please! I can help you!" I say tightening my grip, as I'm holding on Aaron slowly makes his over and grabs the door frame, I wrap my arms around his waist from behind and try to pull him back

"Oh no you don't!" I yell

"Y/N let me go!" he yells back

"First you tell me whats going on right here right now!"

"Nothing! everything fine just let me go!"

"You're.acting.strange!" I yell struggling pulling harder

"Kiss.my.ass!" He yells back before losing his grip. I fall back and pull him down with me, we squirm around a bit trying to get back up and I eventually get him pinned down under me. I stay there panting for a moment

"*pant* got you now!"

"you don't make this any easier" He say turning his head to the side blushing at the position were in

"Whats.going.on! you better say it clearly!" I glare at him

"...I just hope it won't destroy our friendship...*deep breath* you're hot as hell and the whole reason I broke up with aphmau is because I'd prefer to be YOUR boyfriend! Is that clear enough for you?!" He shouts. I pause for a moment reregistering everything he just said, I feel my face heat up and turn red. I get off him in silence 

"...Y/N...I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that...I understand if you don't want to talk to me for a while before you give me an answer or something like that...I-I'll leave you be..." He turns the doorknob

"wait..." I say before he opens the door

He slightly turns around and before realising whats happening I grab him by the collar of his jacket and pull him to me smashing his lips into mine. We stay there for a few moments and he starts kissing back, we stay in a long tender kiss for a few minutes before pulling away for air. We look into each others eyes processing what we just did

"...I-I..." I'm speechless 

"...I'm...not really sure what just happened...but..." he pauses then hugs me "If this is your way of saying I love you, then thank you Y/N" He says nuzzling into my shoulder. I smile and hug back

"There are easier ways to say 'I love you' I guess my way just feels right with you...I love you Aaron..."

"I love you to, Y/N" He says with a warm smile before kissing me again

T.H.E E.N.D :D


A/N Your welcome Fancy Chan :3

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