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Belle's POV

The afternoon I had with Joe was definitely better than the morning encounter I had with Ethan. We had gotten on so well and we basically chatted for a straight 3 hours. It was certainly the most fun I have ever had with someone in a very LONG time.

I told him basically everything, from my relationship problems with Ethan to more fun things like my future and stuff like that. We talked a lot about YouTube, as Joe has around 3 million subscribers which is insane. (Yep he's almost at 7 but oh well:)) But then he also told me about how even though his fans are special and mean so much to him, some can become so hardcore and stalk him everywhere. I thought about it, Hm maybe being famous was not at all a perfect fantasy as I thought.

As I sat on my bed checking through all my social media, I noticed that Joe had tagged me in a photo of us hugging at the cinemas captioned,

"Had the best day with @belle_stevenson 😄hope to have more fun times with this one Xxxx "

Instantly a whole lot of comments flooded in. Some fans asked if we were dating, or stuff like 'I ship it.' Some comments however were not as positive. People started saying stuff like, 'oh whose she' and 'wtf she's so ugly stay away from her'

I mean yeah maybe I was ugly but I didn't think people had to just hate like that. It was disrespectful and even though I tried so hard to forget about it, those comments always stuck around in my head.

As I continued to scroll through the comments there was one that caught my eye. It was from Ethan and he had said.

"Stop hating. None of this is true, don't believe them. You're stronger than that."

Comment if u want another update tonight!! If we get to 5 I will!!:)

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