Chapter Seven

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Trade negotiations were not supposed to take all day, but in the seven years Sebastian's cousin, Goran the Usurper, sat the throne in Starkhaven, he'd made a mess of relationships the Vael family had kept in good standing for several generations.

Duke Antoine of Wycome had come to power three years earlier, and though communications over the last couple months painted him amicably, the ambassador he sent to renegotiate the terms of their agreement regarding the harbor in Wycome was a shrewd and unforgiving man. And apparently he admired Goran Vael a great deal, which said very little about his character in so far as Sebastian was concerned. He didn't like the man, but he knew well enough one didn't need to like his adversary to come to an agreement with him.

It took four hours to convince him to review the contracts his father and the former duke signed over two decades earlier, and then they spent two more hours arguing the rising cost of grain with threats of war and rebellion looming on the horizon. He'd woke up with a headache, and whatever it was that happened with Hawke before breakfast—because he still had no idea what to make of it—set the tone for his entire day.

He'd give anything for a tumbler of whiskey. On an empty stomach the results would be devastating.

"The threat of war always looms, Lord Dernial," Sebastian insisted, "and these tower rebellions are unpredictable, at best, which is why Starkhaven and Wycome must stand united in commerce. We need to make the Free Marches strong again and that strength lies in keeping our lines with the world beyond our borders open. Since I reclaimed the throne with Kirkwall at my side, Starkhaven has already reestablished trade with Markham and Tantervale. Merchants from Antiva and Rivain are thrilled to do business with us again, but without that waterway open to our ships and theirs we lose weeks between shipments and are forced to rely on land driven caravans. Caravans face bandits on the road."

"And ships face pirates, Your Highness, many of them from Rivain. Tell me, where does Starkhaven stand with the Anderfels at present?"

"I've sent ambassadors to treat with the king in Hossberg, as well as to Weisshaupt to meet with the Grey Wardens, and I am confident they will return with good news. All prior communications with the Anders have been promising." Lord Dernial did not appear to be impressed, and simply saying the word Anders only further provoked Sebastian's bad mood. He sometimes had to fight with himself not to take out his frustrations with a single man on an entire country simply because of the name that man went by. "I am also expecting to entertain King Alistair of Ferelden during his visit for my coronation ceremony, and plan to discuss reopening trade lines between Ferelden and the Free Marches. If you and I can reach an agreement here today, I can include Wycome's offerings in all my negotiations outside the Free Marches. We can all benefit, my lord."

"Ferelden," Lord Dernial spat over his shoulder at the floor. "Of course the stinking dog lords will hear our offerings, but they will only take. Like beggars. They've nothing to offer in return, Your Highness, but the blight."

He started to lift a frustrated hand to his brow, fully prepared to puff out his cheeks and let loose the most exasperated sigh he could muster. Clenched hands tightened atop the wood, his mind already picturing the many ways in which he could strangle the man before him until his face turned blue, but Chancellor Benneit caught his eye from across the table and curtly shook his head to discourage him from losing his temper. The man was beyond infuriating, the smoldering core of Sebastian's anger burning steady and strong. Soon it was going to take more than an advisory head shaking to curb his ire, and they'd be forced to say goodbye to their only opportunity for a coastal route into Antiva and Rivain that didn't lose relying on Kirkwall's ports.

Drawing in another breath, he steadied himself, ignoring the throb of his pulse in both temples. "The blight ended seven years ago, Lord Dernial, as you know, when the Hero of Ferelden slew the archdemon at Fort Drakon. King Alistair assures me harvests in Highever, the Bannorn and the Hinterlands have been bountiful these last three years, with no signs of blight. Grain, vegetables, fruits, hearty cattle and swine without a hint of despair."

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