Seeing isn't believing

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When I was younger, I was bullied.. I cried a lot and sat alone. I had done nothing to deserve this yet it still happened.. A boy came up to me one day when ,And told me I would be okay, he promised he would not let anything hurt me. And he walked away. I never saw him again. Don't even know his name.
I was fourteen than and nothing has changed.
I wake up and look on my ceiling the things he said to me in that short occurrence are written up on my ceiling. They keep me going everyday.

I am now 19 a senior in high school. Nothing had changed,well I got pretty, but still no one talks to me and no one cares. Neither do I.

I walk silently to anatomy and physiology. I sit in my normal spot, the back right corner, and start my bell work. My teacher, Mrs.Jean, starts talking saying there is going to be a new kid. She looks to my corner and sees there is 3 open desks surrounding me.
"He will sit next to Ivory." Mrs.Jean says ,everyone groans. Yes, my name is Ivory, I don't know why a I never questioned it and my parents left me when I was 15. We wait until the new kid walks in with our guidance teacher. All the girls swoon over him, he might be hot but that's because he is new. Mrs.Jean points him to the direction of the desk to my right. He walks over and I don't bother saying hi, why waste the air, he'd never speak to me again anyways. I see him smile out of the corner of my eye. I start writing on my binder,
"You'll be okay, nothing will hurt you. I promise"is written on my binder in italics within a few minutes. Something slips on my desk. A note. I open it up and read,
"Hello! Name is Michael. I was wondering why no one is sitting next to you?" I write back saying no one talks to me and I want to keep it that way, he gets the hint and leaves me be. By the end of class I get up to leave and "Michael" is right behind me. I get to my locker and he is just standing there with a smile on his face. I turn and look at him with a WTF look a little to excitedly a "Hi"exits his pink lips. I just turn and walk away. I can hear his steps behind me. I get to my Porsche and unlock it, yes I drive a Porsche.
"Woah! You drive a Porsche?"
"No, I just have keys to some random Porsche Michael." I say with more sass in it than I had hoped for.
"I don't see why people don't talk to you, you're gorgeous, I wanna get to know you more."
"Don't worry that feeling will go away soon." I sigh and get in and close my door. He knocks on my window and I roll it down, hands me a note and than he leaves. I throw it on the passenger side and head home.

I get home and read the note it just says that he wants to get to know me more and stuff like that he also asked why I wear sweatshirts even though it is 80 outside. By the time my homework is done I just go to bed.

Throughout the day everyone avoids me and I do the same in return. I don't even think my teachers ,except Mrs.Jean, know that I am even there . I get into my last class , anatomy and physiology, Michael walks in and doesn't say a word, and for him that seems pretty odd. About halfway through the class he lifts his right arm to scratch his head and his long sleeves fall down a bit and I notice a lot of red. I didn't realize I was staring until he saw me looked at his arm and asked Mrs.Jean if he could leave. Confused I finish the class and head out to my car. Under the wiper is a paper with Michael's number on it along with
"I'm fine..."
Attached on the back of that note was his number. I sent him a txt telling him to come over. After a few minutes of me sitting in my car I drive home. there sitting on my steps is the boy from my last class with the same sweatshirt, Michael. His shoulders rack with sobs telling me he is far from fine. I walk up and place my hands on his knees he jumps but than falls into my touch. He looks up at me with red blotchy eyes and smiles weakly.
"I want to get to know you." he whispered.
"Fine, lets go inside and you can know anything you want."
"Okay I wanna know about your family." he states as he takes a seat on a barstool. I glare at him and look away
"Alrighty then, never mind."
"You want anything?" I inquire. He shakes his head no and plays with his sweatshirt cuff and looks down. I walk down the hallway and lay on my futon he follows and sits on the floor, still looking down. I lay down and run my hand across his strong shoulders. His head drops lower with my action and I stop. He layers his cheek on the couch and looks at me. I run my fingers through his lilac colored hair. I am completely unsure of this gesture but it feels so right.
Michael and I fall asleep like that, my hand in his hair. I wake up and he is gone. I look around and see the kitchen light on. I walk slowly out and see him on a barstool again. I walk up behind him and lay my head down against his back. After about ten minutes I fell asleep on his back.

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