Chapter 6

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"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me" was blaring out my speakers this morning and I had Keshvi to thank for that. I dragged my legs out of bed and unplugged my phone slamming the battery out to stop the music. Aiding an itch on my butt I made my way to bathroom and went through my morning routine.

Checking myself out in the mirror I slowly studied the bags under my eyes. I hadn't had much sleep in days, exams are coming up. All I could do was drink a lot of coffee and base more concealer if I wanted to Ace those tests.

I quickly put on some black tights and my crybaby jumper that I got from the Melanie Martinez tour I went on with Keshvi.

Keshvi had called to tell me she wouldn't be coming to her classes today because she had to go to some "fucked up cultural event with her parents" her words not mine.

I made my way down the staircase to retrieve my bicycle, Campus was a fifteen minute walk away but I could make it in five minutes if I cycled.

I got on my bike making my way on to campus and as I rode I took deep breaths inhaling the fresh morning air. Maybe this would be a good day, maybe I'd get more work done and maybe just maybe I'd get to finishing reading Weathering Heights.

Making my way down the halls I checked my timetable not that I needed to I'd memorised the whole bloody thing already.

English Literature, a giddy smile made it's way up face as headed for the class, I loved English I loved language its self. The whole form of how these beautiful letters can make words that can make phrases that can evoke emotion and inable communication is just b-e-a-utiful.

Placing myself on a chair in front I looked around noticing the class had just began filling up, Professor Oosthuizen came inside and began his class.

During class I found my self slowly dosing off to sleep the sound of Pofessor Oosthuizen's voice fading each moment and before I knew it my head had planted itself on the desk top.

I didn't care to wake up anymore I was heavily tired and my head wouldn't strain itself to to stand up right.

"Lumiere Lumiere Lumiere" A hushed voice sounded through the vacant forest, I looked around me patting around the autumn leaves I lay upon.

" Run, run and don't turn back Lumiere " the voice hushed making the leaves flow past my shoulder . Something dark lurked behind the shadows of trees. Dark glistening fur passed flashing by past from tree to tree.

The voice seemed to be getting louder and the words lingered at the doors of my thoughts, I was drowning in confusion. I caught the glimpse of golden flames that shone in the orbs of the wolf's eyes that had now fully emerged from behind the trees.

Not one wolf but a whole pack emerged surrounding me, the wind seemed to only deafen my thoughts resulting in numbness. The wild dogs gnarled and neared towards me.

What should I do?

"Run Lumiere Run, Run and hide" The voice sounded again.

I grabbed the large skirts that draped around my waist and stood to my feet, I turned around and I paced my legs to run. I took rushed breaths and before I knew it the wolves had caught up to the ends of my dress clawing at my legs, a swift tear of the material and metallic smell of blood guided me to sleep.

"Lumiere, please wake up and exit my class. I do not tolerate students who choose to disrespect me rather than to sit straight and listen to what I say" Said professor Oosthuizen. Okay that was a tad dramatic and uncalled for.

Starring wide eyed at my professor I gulped wiping the drool that had made it's way down my cheek. Making sure not to make eye-contact with any of the other students I grabbed my books and slummed my shoulders making my way to the door.

I was not going to defend myself. Holding the doorknob I turned around and looked at Oosthuizen and honestly said "I'm sorry sir for that. Enjoy the rest of your day" and I heard a snicker from an immature bastard at the back of the class.

I made way to the library and decided to revise for the next class. I found a quiet corner and continued on my Weathering Heights instead. Meh.

Deep in the book I felt a shadow stand over me and inhaled a deadly stench of stawberry perfume.

"Hi there" a girls voice sounded.

She probably wasn't talking me and I wanted to crawl back into my shell before a pefectly manicured hand laid it's self on my shoulder.

"I said hi there" the girl said again and I looked up to see her.

As beautiful as a Summer Breeze

She plopped down next to me.

"I believe we've met before but under unfortunate circumstances. I'm Summer, Summer Jacobs and we're going to be best of friends"

 I'm Summer, Summer Jacobs and we're going to be best of friends"

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THE BIPOLAR #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now