Chapter 1

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Erin's POV

My name is Erin Black and am a very very powerful man. I... am invincible!! I can do whatever I want whenever I want.

Am only twenty-six but I am the most powerful man ALIVE... self-declared of course but that does not make it any less true. I mean... Obama, Putin, Queen Elizabeth... they've got nothing on me. In people's minds, I could be a myth or an urban legend for all you know, everybody knew yet they had no idea what I looked like or that I even existed for certain.

I have acquired a large network of followers all over the world. Believe it or not, even more than China's population, some of which include the richest, most powerful people in the world; like Kim Jong Un, Ban Ki-moon, Bill Gates, Victoria and David Beckam, and more. Be honest, with people like that behind me and rooting for me, who would want to go against me??

I own the longest chains of mines; gold, diamonds and ore. I own the largest trafficking ring. I deal with anything from timber to drugs to weapons to people. Did I mention that I am the most wanted person in the world?? ...Oh I must have forgotten. "Why would I traffick stuff if I could get away with anything anyway??" What would be the fun in that? I like the rush, danger, the thrill of it.

People say am ruthless. Am I?? I look at things this way, I am like a kid and people are toys; I can play with them, I throw them around from time to time, if they are not perfect or are broken or if am tired of them, I get rid of them. So am I really a bad person??? Hmm... yh... maybe I am. But being a bad person has its perks. Because being ruthless= being feared by people, being feared by people= getting what you want, getting what you want=POWER. Power, *takes a dramatic pause*, is the only universal currency. And that, is something I definitely have a lot of.

So I was in my office when it happened. My most loyal friend, my right-hand man, suddenly walked in. He was with with me since the beginning. Our mothers were best friends so naturally we grew up to become best friends too. Dave Arnold was more than a friend to me, he was the brother I never had. He stood by me just when I started out what later developed to become my empire when we were both fifteen and greedy for money and power-hungry.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He had this crazy look of greed and excitement in his emerald green eyes.

I imagine Erin looking kinda like Zayn Malik... which explains this chapter's display picture *coughs and mutters under breath, "or whatever it's called."

** So you have met Erin. He is the main character of this story, and Lachesis of course. The other Fates have roles to play as well but Lachesis plays a much bigger role.
Please overlook the mistakes.

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