Chapter 6

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The picture is just a reminder^^
Zafrinas POV
Uhh "Why do you care?"
I asked. He started walking slowly towards me, until my back hit a wall. Damn the school walls. "Because you're mine, princess" he said, putting his arms on the wall beside my head. Damn this boy. He caged me, and sort of pinned me up against the wall. I gulped, I have never been this close to a human organism ever. I felt warm and tingly inside, oh my god, was I sexually aroused? He left kisses on my collar bone, shoulder, and jaw, he nibbled on my earlobe, I bit my lip to stop a moan from coming out. He nibbled on my a neck a bit. I kinda, sorta gasped a bit.. Oh my god. "That guy? Well he was my brother that came back from the dead" I said biting my lip.

He didn't say anything, he just grabbed my hand and led me outside. "Do
You wanna talk about it?" He asked, we were sitting on the ground beside my bike.

"It was about five years ago, my brothers and sister and I were kidnapped, they tortured them and murdered them in front of my eyes. I managed to get away in time. Caitlin. Cole. Liam. Nick. Grayson. Those were their names. I had 4 brothers and 1 sister. Cole
Right now is supposed to be 15. Liam is supposed to be 16. Nick is supposed to be 19. Grayson is alive and is 20. And my sister Caitlin is supposed to be 22. I never thought someone could suffer such a big loss. People always saw my family as elegant, decent millionaires who behaved and were so perfect, but really, in the mansion (She isn't bragging about the house she lives in btw) we live in, we would prank each other everyday, play PS4 (play station) and roam around the halls and dance around and have fun, break the rules, and mess up was us 6 against the world. I really don't mean to brag when I say mansion, I just want to describe how lonely it is, I wish my parents and I could've just moved
To a regular house, Now the mansion that I live in (not to brag) is empty, dark, hollow, quiet, and shallow, I mean like, why such a giant place for three people,or four including my brother I guess, well actually one, or two, because my parents are workaholics, (and my brother just appeared in my life) don't know why they work so hard, they have everything already, a huge house, enough money, a building, a company, a excellent reputation.." I blabbered "Everyone deals with grief differently, maybe your parents deal with it by working" he said. "Maybe" I said "Well uhh Thanks for listening, I gotta go catch up with Grayson, so uhh bye" I said. "Cyaaa" he responded, but he didn't move, he just watched me. I slung my leg over my bike. since my hair was in a ponytail, I pulled of the hairband and gave my head a quick shake to let my hair fall down my back smoothly, before slipping the hairband on my wrist. "You're Mine" he said smirking before walking away. No Im not, he isn't the boss of me.

Yes he is, he's hot, and kind, and badass, and he listened to you when you told him about your problems.

Stupid conscious. Ugh whatever.

I got home, put in the keys, and went inside, I heard talking. I instantly wrapped some type of cloth around my knuckles/fists and went towards the kitchen, I jumped from behind the wall and put my fists in the air "Whoaahhh sis... Relax, just talking to Ryder here, and why are you being so violent, I mean like, we're at home" Ryder? He's here? I snapped my head to the left, there he is smirking at me.

"I am usually the only one home so imagine my surprise when there are the two of you talking in here like stupid pigs! And for the record this place is to lonely to be called home" I kinda screamed a bit "What do you mean mom and dad are never home?" He asked. I sighed. "After you and Caitlin, Cole, Liam, And Nick disappeared, I've been on my own, and sadly, I got into your bad habit" I said a lot calmer "Im so sorry I didn't reach out sooner, and you do WHAT?!" He screamed the last part. I bit my lip nervously and started fidgeting. "I know you Zaf, when your fidgeting and biting your lip, it's never good." He said "I-I-uuhh-I-uhh-streetfight?" I said nervously "Are you trying to get yourself killed or something?!? ARE YOU INSANE?!" He shouted. I was angry. "You know what?! Fuck off Grayson! You can't say that to me because you have no idea how hard it was to get along with the fact that you and the others were GONE! I have tried so hard to live my life while everyone led me to believe that my siblings were DEAD!?!" I screamed. Ryder was clearly uncomfortable, but he didn't move.
"I know you, you wouldn't do that" he said calmy "Yah? Well Maybe It's important that you don't know me at all!" I screamed at him as I walked away.

"Zaf wait!" He yelled. I sighed. And turned around. "What?" I asked
"I think the others might be alive.." He said.

My heart stopped. What? It can't be. I started walking to the basement. "Where are you going?" He asked. I didn't answer so Ryder and my brother followed me through all the shallow halls down the stairs.

I wrapped my knuckles up again, and started punching the bag. Through time, I made this basement my go-to gym, and come here when I need to escape my hell of a life.

I punched so hard that when I pulled back, my shirt lifted. crap, he'll see my scars. "Zafrina." Uh oh, it's never good when he calls me by my full name and not just 'Zaf'. "Yeah??" I said slowly. "Where did you get all those scars?" He asked gritting his jaw and fisting his hands, Ryder did the same. "Take of your shirt!" Ryder said. Great. "What?! No!" I yelled "Do it" Grayson said "I cant jus-" I got interrupted by Grayson "Now!" I sighed. Turned around and took my shirt off, what? I didn't want them to see my cleavage, can you blame me? my back is enough. "I will kill whoever did this to you" Ryder said "Zafrina your back is covered in scars!" Grayson added "Explain!" Grayson said, they weren't giving me chances to talk.

"People deal with grief in different ways" I said
"I can't handle this right now, so we'll talk about the others being alive later, Im going out to clear my head" I said "Don't go streetfi-" "Don't...just don't tell me what to do." With that I walked off and started my bike to head to 'The Core'.

************************** Ok, so don't hate me, you'll find out everything you need to know in the next chapter, I assure you everything will get better..!!

Bye loves!❤️🔥😘

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