Is this a dream?

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Hey, this is my first fanfiction, ever.So please take it easy on me? My twitter is @AustinsMate.

Song of the chapter: Run This Town - Lil Wayne


Austin's POV

''Dude! This is gonna be awesome!'' My bestfriend Alex Constancio started explaining to me with the biggest smile on his face.

''God I know! The beaches, malls, and...girls.'' Robert explained with a wink at the end. Typical Robert.

We were currently packing for our summer in Miami. I recently got signed to a music contract. I wouldn't like to brag, but I do have talent. I must admit, I am pretty excited, for the beaches, screaming fans, parties...and yes, girls.

I smirked at the thought, and Zach laughed at me probably knowing why I smirked.

''Austin, this is going to be the best summer of our lives.'' Alex shared his input with us. All of us smiling knowing he was absolutely right. Sure we would miss our friends here in La Vernia, TX. But we would keep in touch. I just had to bring Alex, Robert, and Zach with me to live in Miami. I couldn't leave my brothers behind, there the ones who helped me get where I am today.

Our flight leaves in the morning and most of our stuff is already in Miami with my mom who is already there as well.

She flew out early to get the house set up for us. According to her, it is a very nice condo near the beach. Perfect.

Austin Mahone, Alex Constancio, Robert Villanueva, and Zach Dorsey take Miami.


Kathryn's POV

I came outside to run across the street to my bestfriend Ashton's house. We've been bestfriends since grade school, I really wouldn't be here without her. There are more of us, but Ashton is the one that has always been there for me. Don't get me wrong, I love Gaby, Sarah, and Merry more than anything.

As I was coming outside I seen a moving truck next door. Great new neighbors. I scoffed at the thought and continued onto Ashton's house.

''Who do you think the new neighbors are gonna be?'' Ashton asked looking out her window at the moving truck and the lady carrying in boxes.

''I don't know. This may sound weird or whatever...but that lady looks vaguely familiar.'' I spoke unsure of what I was really saying. Still, I feel like I've seen her before. I just can't point out where from.

''Hmm...well shall we conspicuously go check it out?'' Ashton spoke with a smirk.

''What do you mean?'' I asked with a confused look upon my face.

''Lets go greet the new neighbor duh!'' Ashton said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

''Are you serious?'' I asked. I'm extremely shy if you haven't realized. But, if I know you, I'm the craziest person ever. As for Ashton, who is outgoing and doesn't give two shits what people think about her. Were different in alot of ways actually. Her brown hair, my blonde hair. Her green eyes, my blues eyes. Her tall, skinny figure, my short skinny figure (if you consider 5'5 short).

''Yes I'm serious! Now let's go!'' She squealed breaking me from my thoughts.

''Okaaay.'' I spoke unsure as I was being pulled by the arm out of her room.

We crossed the street as the lady was coming out of her house. I have definitely seen her somewhere. But where?

''Hi!'' Ashton squealed full of excitement. See what I mean, she is so outgoing. And that's why I love her.

''Hey girls!'' The lady spoke, and I just couldn't hold it in. I knew this lady.

''Do I know you from somewhere?'' I asked the words just rolling off of my lips, I blushed afterwards because I was so blunt.

''Possibly, you may know my son?''

That's when it hit me. Oh my God.

It must have occurred to Ashton too, because she gasped loudly and threw her hand over her mouth.

''A-are y-ou...''

''Austin Mahone's mom.'' I cut of Ashton's stuttering.

She nodded with a proud smile. Our idols mother, the idol that saved our lives, the idol that we dedicated so much time to in our fan account on twitter, was standing in front us. No, she was moving next to us.

Ashton squealed and so did I.

''So where's Austin!?!'' I asked excitedly completely forgetting that I probably looked like an idiot right  now.

''Im not suppose to tell his fans, but him and his friends will be here tomorrow.'' She spoke and I could feel myself shaking.

''A-are you moving here? With Austin?'' I stuttered excitedly.

She nodded and smiled.

''Oh my God! I can't believe this is happening!'' Ashton squealed.

''Our idol is moving next to us, along with the rest of foolish four.'' I spoke trying to let everything settle within myself.

She nodded in approval probably noticing how big of fans we were.

''Girls, Austin is getting signed.'' She spoke expecting more squeaking, which she did.

''How come he didn't tweet anything about it?'' I asked.

''He wanted to surprise you guys.'' She replied the smile never leaving her face.

Ashton and I locked eyes and hugged eachother.

After calming ourselves, I decided to ask if she needed help.

''So would you like some help?'' I asked.

''Sure! Thank you!''


Austin's POV

We were now sitting in the airport and I signed some autographs. My name was really getting around. But this is only the beginning my mind reminded me.

''teach me how to doug-''

''Hello?'' I asked cutting off my ringtone.

''Hey sweetie I have some great news!'' my mom spoke full of enthusiasm.

''Whats that?'' I asked curiosity written across my face even though she couldn't see me.

''We have some great neighbors.'' she spoke sounding extremely excited.

''And?'' I replied.

''There fans. Big fans.'' she spoke putting emphasis on big. Yay this'll be fun, my mind thought.

''Yaaay.'' I said sarcastically. Don't get me wrong, I love my mahomies more than anything, I wouldn't be here without them. But not everyday in my personal space. Well I guess I am coming into there space.

''Austin. This is a good thing.'' my mom said.

''I know I know...what do they look like?'' I asked.

''What does it matter? There your fans and they support you.'' she spoke with sternness in her voice.

''Okaay...'' I whined. I'm such a mommas boy.

''But I do have their twitter names. Well name, they share an account.''

After talking with my mom, I was finally on the plane.

I was now sitting and scrolling through twitter, I decided to look at there twitters.

Oh...yes big fans.


A/N okay guys. Idrk if I'm doing this whole wattpad thing right. Bc like I think I'm messing up the chapters...idk. But anyways, tell me what you think in the comments below. AND VOOOTE. Ilyasm.

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