chapter 7

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hey yeah I'm pretty sure that no one reads this anymore :/ but I'm still gonna keep going. so enjoyyyyy :) - @AustinsMate 


He kissed me. 

I kissed back within seconds, I mean how could you not? The way his plump lips involuntarily fit perfectly into mine. I'm not complaining because he was an amazing kisser. Shocker right? 

I finally came back to reality and had to collect my thoughts. I now realized that I was getting booed and Austin was smiling into my eyes. 

I smiled back, but suddenly felt a great amount of guilt wash through me. 

How could you do this to all the other mahomies?

How will Ashton take this?

Will she be mad? 

Will anyone even like you anymore?

Everyone is going to hate you. 

How are you going to live with yourself. 

My mind flooded with all these gut-wrenching thoughts. I quickly rid my head of them and called my mom to come get me. 

She was concerned as to why I called earlier than expected for a ride, but she still came. 

Getting out of the arena wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. When I ran off stage, people ran after me. 

This could either be really good, or really bad. Karma favored the "really bad" part because I was getting called some pretty nasty names. 

"Its not my fucking fault!" My blood boiling almost instantly at some of the hate comments I was getting. 

Anger washed through me so quickly it was almost scary. 

I made it outside, but I was still being mobbed. I seen my moms car in the distance, all I had to do was make it to her car. 

Everything was happening so quickly though, I don't do good in large moving crowds. 

I have anxiety and it was starting to take place, this isn't good. 

I started becoming dizzy, then everything was black. 

-------- Austins POV

God Austin you are so stupid. 

You should have known the outcome of this wouldn't be good. 

Now she's in the fucking hospital because of you!

The fans had gotten so enraged that I kissed her. I'm just grateful that she didn't get hurt. She had just fainted because she was so overwhelmed. 

I had tried asking her mom if this has happened before, but she turned once I started talking and walked away. 

Nice one, now her mom doesn't even like you. 

I was stressed out and still smelt like sweat because I had come from the stage, straight to the hospital. 

teach me how to dougie teach me teach-

"Hello?" I snapped feeling kind of annoyed. 

"Austin, honey what happened!" My mom shouted from the other line. 

"Mom calm down! Kathryn just fainted..." I said telling somewhat the truth because she really did faint. I just didn't tell her the whole story, but that will eventually have to come out just not now. 

"According to the news thats not all that happened!" Sooner works, too. 

"Why, what did you see on the news?" I asked feeling nervousness rush throughout my body. 

"Austin! You have to remember, you're famous and people will be recording almost your every move! I seen the kiss, I seen Kathryn getting mobbed by fans, the whole world knows Austin." She mouthed, I could tell she was quite disappointed in the situation I had gotten myself into. 

But hey, I'm a teenager and I'm aloud to make mistakes. 

"Mom! I know! I'm sorry!" I said trying to end to call as quickly as possible so I could just get home and shower. 

"Just remember, you did this to Kathryn." She said. I knew exactly what she meant, too. I made Kathryn into a celebrity. Word is already all around the world, and she hasn't even woken up yet. People will always be questioning her now, because of me. People will always be starting rumors, just to make a sick story to ruin someone. I ruined Kathryn. 

This was the complete opposite of what I wanted to do. 


Hey, I know its a very s h o r t update, and it kinda sucked. But I just needed a filler. I want to start updating more. Its just been really hard because of school and you know...the average. 

Hope you enjoyed....what people even still do read this fanfiction lol. 

so who ever does read this..please VOTE/COMMENT/FAN 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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