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The color of your skin does not define who you are
It does not tell you how you should act
How you should be treated
How you should live the life you wish to lead .

An uneasy underlying current resides deep within the cracks of our generation and the generations that went before us .
Discrimination along side hatred for an individual regarding the color of there skin was and still is a major key problem facing today's culture and those growing up

Worry and fear are all emotions used to describe this constant problem
We are facing
We should be able to walk down our streets in peace rather than getting a a swarm of abuse targeted at us in regards of our ethnic group or also differences

Hundreds of Inspiring educated and non - educated people have spent all there life's fighting for the basic human rights in which we are all entitled to . Although laws have been passed and stricter regulations have been introduced this does not stop the discrimination .

People are blinded to the fact that they are living in a world of corruption and terror
Just because laws say racism is illegal
Does not mean they are listened to
This does not stop the racist this just adds fuel to his/her fire which gives them the ability to spark a problem .

Everyone breaths the same air
Everyone looks at the same moon
Everyone gets old and ultimately everyone will face death

Once our body's decay all that's left is our bones
An isolated skeleton remains
Although we all present ourselves differently
What we forget to mention is the fact we are all human And we all will die .

It's how we chose to live our lives is the key to how we behave and act
Tolerance and respect is what needs to be shown more
For many it seems to be lost amongst someone who is trying to be something they are not

Spread your wings and spread love to the world
It's something we desperately need to see
Treat others as you would like to treated ...
That saying can't be said enough unfortunately.

If only our eyes saw souls
Instead of body's how different would our idea of beauty be .

(After watching a movie recently I have decided to vent my feelings towards some of the themes raised within it which can clearly be seen in my poem/opinion piece above . Teach our younger generation the power of love and teach them to have respect for a number of diverse people )

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