Kageyama X Hinata

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(I don't own any of the arts, character etc. all credit goes to the artist )

Evening practice

"Be more careful dumbass." Kageyama spat irritatedly at Hinata during the water break. He mumbled idiot back at him as he sipped on my water.

Hinata watched as the other members of the team talked to each other about various things. He didn't understand why Kageyama was always so mean to him, especially lately.

He's been calling him dumbass and other names a lot more lately then he did before and they don't walk home together anymore either.

It's like he's avoiding him but that's not something he'd normally do. Maybe he's been sick lately and is trying to cover it up, yeah that's probably it. "Alright back to practice!" the coach yelled as everyone hurried back to the court.

As Kageyama set the ball Hinata went to spike, he misses completely that was something that didn't happen often, but his mind kept wondering back to why Kageyama had been avoiding him lately.

Even though they fought a lot they were still friends and team mates not once had Kageyama ever avoided him without giving a reason or for as long as he had.

Practice dragged on as the thickness between the two first years grew. Everyone on the team could feel it, the atmosphere around the two was strange and suffocating.

Hinata looked at his hand as he left the gym and headed for the bike rack. He needed time to think he couldn't keep wondering why Kageyama was acting this way towards him. He needed to focus on volleyball! Just volleyball.

"Hinata!" he turned to see Nishinoya Senpai running towards him with a worried expression.

"Yes?" he questioned tiredly towards the Libero.

"Do you know where Kageyama lives? He left his school bag in the clubroom," he spoke as he held up the bag to Hinata. Hinata knew where Kageyama lived but he didn't want to go, and he was sure that he wouldn't want to see him anyways.

Hinata nodded as Nishinoya Senpai handed him the bag with a smile before running off. A sigh escaped the orange tops lips as he got on his bike and pedaled towards the setters house.

The evening wind blew strongly sending shivers down his spine as he approached the setters front door. Why was he doing this instead of his Senpai?

Hinata's small fist knocked on the door but there was no answer. He reached for the door knob to find the front door unlocked, this worried the small middle blocker as he entered the house.

He looked around silently, nothing was broken or out of place and Kageyama wasn't passed out in the entrance so he was slightly relieved as he walked up the stairs towards the setters room.

What he saw shocked him to no end. Kageyama was on his bed masturbating whispering his name. Hinata felt his body go cold and his cheeks burn furiously. The bag in his hand slipped from his fingers with a loud thud as it hit the floor.

Kageyama immediately stopped before pulling his pants up and shooting out of bed towards the door. The small orange top sprinted down the stairs only to be pushed against the front door by a scared Kageyama.

"Did you see?" his voice trembled as he looked at Hinata. The words were stuck in his throat as he tried to answer. He would have never thought that he would be the masturbation material for anyone let alone the rude first-year setter that stood in front of him.

Kageyama's eyes held guilt and worry as he looked at Hinata. "Please tell me you didn't see," he begged as his trembling fists clenched against the door. Hinata could still see the slight bulge in the setters pants as the scene from moments ago reply in his mind.

"umm...i...ummm... " Hinata couldn't form words as he looked into the blue orbs that were Kageyama's eyes. He didn't understand what he was feeling. He knew most people would be disgusted with the sight but he wasn't, he didn't even understand his own thoughts as he looked at the setter who's face was filled with agony.

"You're disgusted and disappointed aren't you?" his voice cracked as he downcasted his eyes. Hinata's fists clenched at his side as he knew he had to say something quick before the setter got the wrong idea.

"I'm not," he spoke clearly as Kageyama's face shot up in shock before his expression turned to anger. "Don't fuck with me!" his voice bellowed though the quiet house. Hinata didn't understand why he was so mad, he wasn't lying to him.

"I'm not disgusted or anything Kageyama. I'm just shocked," he spoke as he straightened his face and peered up at the tall setter his eyes widened as he looked down.

His face showed small bits of hope as he slowly touched the orange tops face, he was shocked when Hinata didn't flinch away. His hand gently stroked the soft pale skin of the small middle blocker.

"Do you hate this?" he whispered at the boy against the door. He watched the small boy shake his head as he reached his hand to hold Kageyama's.

"I don't hate it." he stated as his eyes slowly closed at the converting sensation of Karasuno's setter's hand lightly stroking his face.

"Hinata..." the small whisper made him open his eyes to see Kageyama's relieved expression. "Can I kiss you?" he asked hopefully timid as his thumb trailed over Hinata's bottom lip. He felt his face heat as the nod came.

He watched as Kageyama's face lowered towards his own his thoughts were so jumbled as he closed his eyes in time to feel the surprisingly soft and gentle pressure on his lips. He felt the large hand lightly slide to the back of his neck and the fingers weave their way through his hair.

Hinata's heart was going a mile a minute as he slowly kissed back. After what seemed like minutes he felt Kageyama pull away and his eyes opened slowly as he was dazed from the pleasured sensation that flowed through his body.

"Did you hate that?" Kageyama questioned nervously. Hinata shook his head furiously as he spoke. "No not at all, it was amazing I feel all Garwww inside," he spoke loudly starling the shocked setter.

Kageyama's lips turned up into a small smile as he looked down that the middle blocker. "Hinata will you be my boyfriend?" he questioned timidly as the orange haired boy's face turned as red as a cherry.

"y-yes." he stated shyly as Kageyama's lips pressed against his once more.

The next day

"Hinata you dumbass watch were you spike the ball!" Kageyama yelled at the orange haired boy making him flare in annoyance. They were dating but obviously, nothing was gonna change anytime soon.

The team watched in amusement at the normalcy of the two first years. It had been about few weeks since they had bickered normally like this and the team was relieved to see that everything was back to normal. "Alright quit your bickering and get back to practice." coach Ukai spoke as he bunked the duo upside the head.

This was gonna be a long practice Daichi thought as they resumed practice.

(That's all for this One-shot of KageHina I hoped you enjoyed because I had fun writing it.)

Thank you!

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