Oikawa X Kageyama

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(I don't own the characters or art all credit goes to rightful owners)

A flick of his tail, a gulp of air and a splash in the midnight waters. It all started with a dream, a dream of the deep sea one where he could breathe underwater and swim with the dolphins and seahorses, and rest on the sea floor with the stingrays. It was an odd dream but one he's had too many times to count since he was a child.

It all started the week after he came back from his grandfather's place, he had spent the summer by the ocean with his older sister and cousin. He was only eight years old at the time, he was a curious little boy, he was sitting in the sand watching the ocean waves when he saw it a boy not much younger them him, eyes a piercing blue that stared back at him curiously. He had sat up straight watching the boy watch him as he crawled closer to the water.

The minute his sister's voice called for him to stay away from the water without her down there, the boy was gone far away. He had waited every day after that hoping to see that boy again to know that he wasn't just imagining it like his sister and cousin had told him he was.

The summer ended without another appearance of the boy in the water but he refused to believe that he had imagined it. Something so beautiful and mystical couldn't have been a trick of his mind. When he returned home that summer he went straight to the library looking up everything there was on mermaids though his sister thought he was stupid for it and way too old to think mermaids were real and his mother was just so confused as to why he had taken an interest in them.

A week passed and he had started to have strange dreams, they all started with him approaching the water the boy watching him as his feet made contact with it before he drove under following behind the boy he could no longer see. He felt his legs change but not in an uncomfortable way, soon he had a tail flicking behind him helping him move throughout the water. Then he no longer had to hold his breath because he had grown gills to help him breathe under the waves.

It was a strange dream but he loved it, being able to swim in the deep sea with a boy he couldn't quite remember. It was nearing summer time once more and Oikawa was packing his bag for the summer getting ready to head off to his grandfather's to help him with the fishing boat. At eighteen years old, Oikawa still went to visit his grandfather every year hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy from his memories.

"Tooru hurry up! I told your grandfather we'd be there by noon."

"I'm almost done mom!" he yelled as he throws his wetsuit into the suitcase before shutting it and racing down the stairs with his duffle bag thrown over his shoulder and suitcase dragging behind him.

After stuffing his bag and suitcase into the back of the truck he climbs inside with his mother rolling down his window to feel the summer breeze on his face. "Thanks for talking Grandad into letting me come stay again this summer mom." Oikawa had smiled as he leaned out the window taking in the beautiful world passing by.

"Honey believe me when I tell you, Your grandfather loves having you there, he might act all tough and rude at first but we all know the minute he sees you he'll smother you in hugs." His mother laughed as she turned the corner and headed onto the highway. "Just promise me you'll behave and watch out for danger?" She turned her eyes to him for only a moment before turning back to the wheel.

"I promise mom." He whispered. It was a while later that the ocean finally came into view from the hill they were driving down. "I can see the ocean!" Oikawa chirped from his seat leaning out the window as far as the seatbelt would allow which wasn't very far.

"Honey calm down and get your body back into the vehicle. You'll be at your grandfather's soon enough and then you'll have the summer ocean all to yourself." His mother had spoken as she slowed down to get off the highway before making her way down the street where his grandfather's place stood.

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