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(This will have a little KenmaXHinata but is a KurooXKenma)

No one ever questioned it. They were childhood best friends, they were close, really close maybe closer then they should have been but nobody questioned it not even Kenma. It was a surprise when Kuroo kissed him for the first time but it had become natural to there everyday life something that would be weird to go without now they have it fallen into a routine.

"Kenma will you pay attention please," Kuroo complained to Kenma for the third time in the last hour.

"Pie." Was all he said before turning his full attention back to the game he was currently play on his PSP.

"If I go get you a slice of apple pie will you pay attention to me?" He nodded listening to the sound of Kuroo leaving the room and soon the house leaving Kenma alone once more in his bedroom. He paused his game and looked up at the ceiling in thought.

Why does Kuroo want to kiss him? Why doesn't Kuroo get a girlfriend? Why does he listen to him so easily just for one lousy kiss?

Kenma sighed tiredly, he would never understand Kuroo and what was going through that bed head of his, but then again he was getting his favorite pie out of the deal for attention so who was he to complain. Kissing felt good, it was easy and didn't require a lot of effort or work so he had no reason to really complain at the deal they had made.

Ten minutes later and Kuroo was back in Kenma's bedroom a bag in hand with the sweet aroma of apple pie coming from it. "Give me attention and you get the pie!" Kuroo challenge watching as Kenma paused his game sitting it down on the small study table before turning his golden eyes back to Kuroo who was practically vibration with excitement.

"Five minutes. Then I get Pie." Kuroo pouted a bit before nodding and moving closer to Kenma. His hands reached out gentle stroking his cheek before his long fingers slide into Kenma's hair pulling him closer and locking lips with him. Kenma moaned softly into the kiss as Kuroo's tongue slipped past his teeth and pushed on the roof of his mouth. Sending a shiver through Kenma as he gripped onto Kuroo's jacket for support.

"Kitten" Kuroo purred in between kisses trying his best to rile Kenma up enough to make him forget about his pie. Five minutes passed and a timer went off on Kenma's cell as he pushed Kuroo away and a small whisper "Times up." Kuroo groaned/whined as he fell back onto the floor and watched Kenma eat his pie with a small smile. Two slices into the pie and Kuroo couldn't take it anymore.

"Kenma please!" He whined as the pudding haired male turned towards him with a frown before giving a short nod and having his lips captured once more by Kuroo's. Kuroo couldn't help himself with how sweet Kenma tasted after enjoying his favorite snack. A few kisses later and Kenma was pulling away for much-needed air, his face was as red as a cherry and his heart was beating so fast he thought it might burst but then again this always happened when he kissed Kuroo, lets be real the man could kiss like the devil and if Kenma was being honest with himself, he never wanted it to stop.

"Kitten" Kuroo purred into his ear as he laid down beside him wrapping his arms around Kenma's middle as the pudding haired male reached for his console.

"What?" He whispered after he started his game back up hearing a whine from Kuroo in the process.

"Kitten I'm hard." He purred into Kenma's ear hoping to get the boy into the mood before he lost all self-control and started to hump Kenma like a dog in heat but then again that probably wouldn't be so far off from how Kuroo had been feeling the last few days.

"Get a girlfriend." Kenma reply blunt turning onto his side eyes glued to his console. Kuroo knew better though, Kenma had given him assess to his ass and that's all he really needed. He moved forward wrapping himself around Kenma as his crotch made contact with Kenma's ass.

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