Tsukishima X Yamaguchi

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I don't own any of the arts, character etc. all credit goes to the artist )

Yamaguchi's thoughts

I don't know when it became so natural to be by your side, I also didn't know that someday I might not be the one closest to you, and that thought alone is enough to kill me inside.

I won't say anything Tsukki, I'll keep these feelings hidden just please don't leave me all alone.

Morning at Tsukki's

The sun shines through the curtains and Tsukki turns over groaning ever so slightly. Yamaguchi stared at him for a moment before he got up and ready for the day.

He headed down the stairs after he was dressed and saw Tsukki's mom in the kitchen. "Good morning Akio," he spoke as he sat down at the table. She turned and smiled at him before speaking. "Is Kei awake yet?" she asked as she sat his breakfast on the table.

"Probably not. I'll go Wake him." Yamaguchi spoke as he jogged up the stairs to find him still in his bed. He was so handsome in the morning. His body shivered as he pulled the covers higher over his head and a groan exited his lips. "Tsukki its morning," Yamaguchi spoke as he lightly shook him.

"No..." he murmured as he turned towards the wall, the seaweed head knew at this moment something was wrong. He slides my hand under the blanket and touched Tsukki's forehead.

He pulled my hand away before heading back downstairs. "Akio, Tsukki has a fever," he yelled as he headed into the bathroom for the thermometer and cold medicine.

His feet carried him up the stairs as he flopped down beside Tsukki's bed again. "Tsukki, turnover." he groaned but cooperated his face was flushed and sweaty as he looked up at him. "Tadashi..." he whimpered as Yamaguchi stuck the thermometer under his tongue, it beeped a few seconds later.

He sighed as the blonde boy's mom walked in with a tray of things. He showed her the thermometer and her brow creased in worry as She sat the tray down. "I have to get to work, I know it's a lot to ask but since it's not a school day could you take care of him till I'm back?" she begged from the doorway he only nodded before turning back to Tsukki.

He put a cold strip on Tsukki's forehead and feed him about half of his breakfast despite his groans in protest. He gave him medicine and water and watched as he fell into a deep slumber.

Late evening

It was around five when Yamaguchi felt a hand touch his head, he jolted awake to see Tsukki looking at him. "Did you take care of me again?" his eyes were surprisingly soft as he grabbed his glasses from the bedside table and slipped them on.

Yamaguchi nodded as he stood up and stretched, "Yeah, your mom had work." he spoke as he sat back down and looked at him. He sighed as he stared at his phone.

"Are you messaging your new friend?" he said teasingly as Tsukki glared at him. He knew that Tsukki and this girl were hitting it off and he was happy, he was happy even though the thought of him with someone else was killing him inside.

He didn't want to think about it because he'd get depressed if he did. "You're so easy to read Tsukki." Yamaguchi laughed as he stood up and took the tray from the table and headed downstairs. When he came back up Tsukki was on the phone inviting someone over, he was guessing the girl.

He waited till Tsukki got off the phone before he spoke. "I'm going to head out. Your mom said she'd be back before nine." he said as he turned towards the door the heard Tsukki make a "Tch" sounds before he disappeared down the stairs.

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