Kuroo X Tsukishima

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"Hey Kei gets up" Tsukki turned with a glare to his big brother who was standing over him with his hands in front of him.

"What?" The blonde growl as he sat up finding his glasses on the bedside table.

"Well some guy came to see you today, He said he came from Tokyo, Name Kuroo-San?" Tsukki stared at his brother dumbfounded for a few moments before he jumps out of his bed and raced out of his room and down the stairs tripping on the last step and falling right into Kuroo.

"Well, Four eyes I didn't know you would be so excited to see me." Kuroo laughed as he hugged the tall blonde back gently. At that moment Tsukki could care less what his family thought of him, he hadn't see Kuroo since his last year in High school. After Tsukki got into college he had run into Bokuto-San and gotten Kuroo's contact info since the dumb male had to change his number.

"It's been what two years?" Kuroo question gently as he kisses Tsukki's head gently. The blonde nodded gently before shoving the bed haired male away from him and headed back up the stairs in a small sprint. Ten minutes Tsukki jogged down the stairs with slightly wet hair, and unbuttoned shirt and a toothbrush in his mouth.

Kuroo felt his pants tighten as he stared at the younger blonde who turned to him and smirk. That stupid brat knew what he was doing that was for sure. Kuroo thought as he took a deep breath trying to ignore Tsukki's little show with his toothbrush.

five more minutes later Tsukki came down the steps completely dressed and ready this time but his smirk was still in place as Kuroo got off the couch and followed after him after bowing to his family and thanking them for having him.

After they were a few blocks away Kuroo couldn't wait anymore and pull Tsukki into the alleyway, slamming him gently against the wall and kissing him with all his might. "Ah" Tsukki whimpered as Kuroo's hand slipped to the back of his pants groping his ass roughly.

"K-kuroo...Gently" He whined making the male before he loses all his composer and goes competently beast mode. Biting into Tsukki's lip making the male's lip bleed as he picked him up and pulled him against the wall roughly.

Kuroo's lips and teeth latched onto Tsukki's neck as he left hickeys all the way down to his collarbone causing the blonde to shiver and call out beneath him. "K-Kuroo...S-st-stop p-" Kuroo felt Tsukki trembling as he gripped the back of his shirt.

"Sorry, Tsukki..." Kuroo looked down ashamed of himself as he lowed the blonde from the wall.

After Tsukki got his footing he hugged the older male in front of him. "It's okay just let's wait till we get somewhere more private alright? I mean I really wanna do it with you, it's been two years though so you got to take everything slow," he said as he leads them away from the alleyway and towards town.

*A few months later (Christmas Eve)*

"Tsukki," Kuroo whispered as they stared up at the clouded sky feeling the cold breeze wash over them. The blonde hummed showing that he was listening as he gripped his scarf tighter around himself. Kuroo grabbed hold of his hand as he lead him to the town square where the giant Christmas tree stood as it came into view so did all of their high school volleyball friends. The whole Karasuno and Nekoma teams were there along with Bokuto and Akaashi from Fukurodani, Oikawa, and Iwazumi from Aobajosai, Kenji, and Aone from Date Tech and Ushijima and Tendo from Shiratorizawa.

"Kuroo! What are all of them doing here?" Tsukki grumbled as he turned to his boyfriend.

"I only thought it was fitting for both of us to do this with all of our team rival's and friends here," he stated gently as he smiled at him. Tsukki felt his face start to grow hot as he stared at his boyfriend in shock.

"What do you mean?" he questioned with a shaking voice making Kuroo smile before he got down on one knee in front of him and pulled out a small ring with the prettiest sapphire diamond on it tangled in a heart shape with a Topaz stone. Tsukki felt the tears slide down his face but didn't take any notice of them as he stared at the man in front of him.

"Tsukishima Kei will you do me the pleasure of becoming mine for the rest of eternity?" Kuroo spoke with a deep blush coding his cheeks as he stared intensely at his boyfriend in front of him.

"Y-Yes you stupid cat." Tsukki cried as he tackled his boyfriend into the snow, hearing all their friends cheer and congratulations in the background as he smashed his lips to Kuroo's, their kiss only lasted a few moments but it felt like their first time and they fell in love all over again.

"I love you Kei," Kuroo whispered as he pressed his forehead to Tsukki's gently.

"I love you to Tetsurou," Tsukki spoke as he stared lovingly at the man in front of him. Kuroo had tears streaming down his face now and he couldn't help but feel the relief of knowing that Tsukki said yes.

(That's all for this let me know what you think in the comments, and if you have any requests for any Haikyuu ships hit me up and well talk. Thank you have a great day)

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