Chapter 1 - What's color?

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             Bill only ever saw in black and white, well everyone does, the legend says that once you meet your true love only then will you be able to look at the world in color. Bill didn't believe this one bit for he has never met anyone in his life ,thus far, that could make him see in "bright beautiful colors". His twin Will had found his true love when they were 13. It was with Bill's best friend Tad. Once Bill introduced them he wasn't expecting them both to smile so...happily. Later on Will had told him that he could see so many beautiful colors and Bill was happy for his twin, before his twin was never happy but that changed when he met his true love, Bill wondered if his true love would make him happy.

           That was a few years ago, Bill is now 16 he still can't see any colors, he has given up hope. What he fears most now is that when he sees color it will not be what he hopes. Everything will stay black and white forever. Nothing will ever change, Bill keeps telling himself ,it will never happen I will never find my true love, he knows this is true. Everyone around him can see color, EVERYONE, Bill is envious of course, barely anyone talked to him only close friends them being Will, Tad, and Mabel.

          One day at school during lunch, Mabel was telling her friends how her twin brother was going to move in with her Mom and her, of course Bill didn't listen to most of the conversation since he didn't care. The following day Bill had stayed home sick. After school Will went straight home and told Bill how Mabel's twin was going to be there the next day, he also mentioned how Bill had to show the new student around and how Bill was going to get extra credit for helping them, this annoyed Bill he hated talking to people especially people he barely knew. But he agreed anyway since he needed the extra credit for his class.

Little did he know of what trouble this new student was going to bring into his life....

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