1: Not Just A One Night Stand

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(A/N: Hey, everybody. This book contains scenes that has mature parts, so please read at your own risk. If you don't want sexual stuff then I suggest you stop reading. Hope you all like this.)


Meghan spends her New Year's Eve at a local club, where she also spots Charlie drinking his problems away. Meghan was intimidated by him. What Meghan doesn't know is that Charlie was already following her home, planning on fucking her inside her bedroom, but Charlie instantly fell for her while they were about to have sex.

Or where Meghan rides Charlie and she calls him daddy.


Meghan's POV


The only place where people think is fun. For me, it's not fun. Club is full of horny teens who are looking for a hook-up. Also, it's full of drunk and disgusting people. Some people have sex at the back part of the club or even rent a VIP room where they can continue their 'business'.

Anyway, it's New Years Eve and I'm spending my time in a club, alone. Yeah. Alone. Fun right? My friends ditched me because all of them have someone in their life and I'm just here looking for some guy who would take me and fuck me right now. I'm so horny and drunk and I'm just trying my best not to throw up while burping. I've had almost 6 to 7 shots now and my head is throbbing like crazy, it's like the world is spinning.

I'm wearing a black dress that hugs my curves perfectly. Guys have been eyeing my ass since I entered the door. There's this one guy in particular that I find very attractive. He's sitting on a bar stool, with a drink on his hand. Looks like he just suffered from a break up or something, he looks kinda depress to me. I've been wanting to talk to him since I first laid my eyes on him and his body. Damn. And his face is just wow. This guy is absolute perfection. He has a scar on his eyebrow which makes him look even more hotter.

Should I go talk to him? What if he's a douche bag? Thoughts like these have been running around my head for a couple of hours now. I really don't know what to do, if only JoJo was here, she could be my 'Wingman'.

"Hey, baby." I hear a guy behind me say, his voice a little hoarse, like he's been drinking for the whole day. I made a disgust look on my face and just walked away. I'm not really in the mood for other guys now, I only want one guy tonight, and that's the eyebrow dude. Well, I'll call him eyebrow dude because I don't know his name. I hear heavy footsteps following me from behind, creepy thing is the DJ is playing the music so loud that I still hear the sound of footsteps. I think something's wrong with my ears. I felt a tight grip on my arm, I turn around and saw a drunk guy smirking at me, his eyes focused on my boobs. What a pervert. I slapped his hand away and started walking faster. Okay, I need to get out of here. I looked at the place where the eyebrow guy was before, but I didn't saw him there. Maybe he left already. Well.. So much for that.

I tried to squeeze in through the sea of people that were dancing on the dance floor. I stumbled out of the club then relief shot all over my body. Thank god that pervert stopped following me, maybe he saw another girl who looks more fuckable than me. I ain't really that fuckable, but I'm not saying I ain't sexy either.

I hugged myself, trying my best to stop shivering. The cold air blowing my hair away to the side. This heels are fucking killing me. I stopped walking and took the heels off. I began walking again, holding my pair of 7 inch heels. I should've chose to wear flats, but I wanted to look sexy so that I could get laid. I know, it's very unusual for a girl to go to a club just so she can get laid. Am I not allowed to have sex? I fucking need it, okay? I guess it's mission abort, because that guy that I want to fuck me, already disappeared.

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