3: Sex Lessons (Part 2)

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Part 2 of Sex Lessons..

(NOTE: Charlie calls her a slut here so.. I hope you guys won't get offended.)

Meghan's POV

I stood in front of him, naked. He was smirking so hard that it started to turn me on a little. He was like a beast, ready to devour my naked body as i shyly stood there. I covered my womanhood using my hand and he immediately slaps it away, "Don't get shy on me now, babygirl." He hungrily says.

I can see the dark, the lust on his now black eyes. Black covering his hazel ones. He's so horny. I can tell by his movements and reactions whenever i do something. All i did the entire time was look down on the marble floor, waiting for his next move. All of a sudden, i felt myself being carried by him and getting thrown on the bed as he carefully strips all of his clothing one by one, still looking at me as he moves.

He made me feel so self-concious. He was just so damn perfect and i'm just a piece of meat if you compare me to him. He slowly crawls on the bed, hovering me as he did. He looks down at me and licks his red and swollen lips. I really wanna kiss him so badly. "Are you ready for your first lesson, babygirl?" He asks and I eagerly nodded making him release a soft chuckle. "Well, your first lesson will be how to ride a cock."

I was speechless.. "A-Already..?" He was going too fast, i thought he would teach me how to give someone a blowjob or handjob at first. This is such a big step.

He shook his head in amusement and asked, "Are you scared that it will hurt, babygirl?" I nod my head again, but this time i was avoiding eye contact with the god in front of me. He was just so intimidating. Damn, "I will never ever hurt you, babygirl. Trust me." He flashes me a cheeky grin before spreading my legs using his hands.

I tried my best to hold my legs together but he was just so strong and i'm so weak. So i finally gave in and a blush immediately coats my entire face. Shit i might look like a fucking tomato right now. What the fuck.

I looked down and i didn't quite noticed it but he's already pumping his d*ck. I gotta say, it is big and impressive. As i look at it, i just felt more scared.. What if it doesn't fit? What if i bleed? Because that would be fucking disgusting..

"Are you ready? Huh?" He asked. I shook my head and took a deep breath. You got this, Meghan. It's just a dick. I thought to myself.

"Okay, i'm ready.." I said with a shaky voice. I've never been so scared and excited in my life. He hooks his fingers on the waistband of my panties and slowly took it off of me. Once it's off, he hungrily looks at me.. I think he's gonna eat me or something. What the hell. "Cha-Charlie..?"

He blinks for a second and looks at me with his dark and lustful eyes. "Can.. Can i?" I nod my head and he slowly dip his head in between my legs, licking a fat strip on my cl*t. Fuck, i didn't thought this was gonna feel so good. "You taste so good, babygirl. Damn."

"Charlie.." I whined, "More, please." Right now i was desperate. Desperate for his tongue and c*ck.

"You're my needy slut huh?" He asked while continously licking my cl*t.

"Yes! I'm your slut! More!" I exclaimed. My hands flew down to his hair and i forced his tongue to go deeper. "Fuck me, Charlie."

"Mhm, okay. I think you're ready for my c*ck, slut." He pulls his head away from my cl*t and positioned his tip on my entrance.

Droplets of sweat were all over my face, but there was so so wet. Why am i so nervous? I don't really know.

I felt his tip sliding inside me slowly, gently. It hurt like a bitch. My eyes screwed shut as i feel pain shoot all over my body as i take him slowly.

"Oh.. Yes." He moaned, biting his bottom lip. I opened my eyes and looked up him. He was gorgeous, an absolute work of art.

He didn't gave me enough time to adjust on his length as i felt him thrust at a fast pace, but not too rough though.

It was actually starting to feel good to the point where i was starting to moan loudly as Charlie thrusts deeper inside of me.

"God yes! C'mon, fuck me harder!" I moaned.

He was still biting his bottom lip, he's trying to concentrate i think.

"M-Meghan.. I'm close. Oh shit."

"Cum inside me! I wanna feel you! Please!"

After a while, he shot his seed in me making mr moan in pleasure. It felt good.

I'm just glad that i'm taking pills.


Charlie's POV

"Did i got rough?" I asked Meghan as my fingers brush through the tips of her hair. We were cuddling like couples. I just feel like i had to take care of her after all the hard work that we did earlier.

"Kinda. I mean, you didn't even gave me time to adjust on your thick and big cock. But, don't worry because i love rough." I chuckle at her words and she giggled.

Suddenly, i felt her shift against my touch then all of a sudden she was already straddling my lap.

She leaned her lips on my ear as she whispered the words, "My body is for your eyes only, Charlie."

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