7: Hate The Parties (No More Surprises) (Part 2)

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(A/N: hi guys! So I'm back, because i felt bad when i made a cliffhanger on the part one of this one-shot. So I'm here to update for ya'll and I hope you guys like this one. Keep on reading you little pervs! :p)

Meghan's POV

It felt like it happened just yesterday, at that party. I never thought I'd fall for him but I eventually did. He was dreamy.. and girls go after him, I felt lucky that he picked me instead of those other girls. Suck on that bitches.

"What you thinking 'bout, babe?" Charlie asks out of nowhere, looking down at me as we cuddled while a movie was playing on the background. I forgot what movie we were watching because i was too surrounded by my own thoughts.

"Wha-? Nothing, nothing." he nods and puts his gaze back on the movie. I snuggled up more to him and he hugged me tight. I felt protected, he always kept me safe.

I brought my hand up to his neck and draw small patterns on it, both of us minding our own business. "Babe?" i call out in a hush tone.

"Hm?" he just kept his eyes on the movie as my fingers were still busy drawing whatever the fuck pattern i could think of. "I love you so much," that's when he looked at me, and drawn his attention all to me. He pecks me on the lips, smiling against my lips when he did. "I love you more." he replied with certainty. This was all we would do, just get our asses on the bed and watch a movie like a normal fucking couple.

The thing is, never once in my high school year that this guy was gonna be up on my ass, but in fact he did. And if it wasn't for him making the first move, both of us wouldn't be here watching a movie while all snuggled up like the sickly in love couple we are.

I always knew in the back of my mind that guys like him would be dating cheerleaders, popular girls, or whatever types of girls but not me.

it was tough when we started dating. The next day was a complete and total shocker because i asked Charlie if we would just act normal in school, or be like a couple. He chose the second option and i had no other choice. The next day, we held hand in hand while walking along the hallways of that school. It was the scariest moment that i ever did in my life but also the proudest because i finally had a boyfriend and it was Charlie fucking Puth, of course i felt proud, it was a freaking achievement.

I liked the people's reactions, though. They all stared, even the girls that was all up in his ass before. No one, no one damn expected, not even me. They could not believe what they were seeing with their own eyes. A loser dating a varsity player.

Charlie never liked it when he would hear me degrade myself, or if i talk shit about myself he never liked it. Not one bit. It made him pissed off, merely because he never liked negatives, he was a positive thinker at that. Of course, because i'm fucking "whipped" with this guy, i never degraded myself ever again. I never wanted us to argue, also not if it's about my appearance.

I remember the time that he said the three words to me out of the blue. It was unexpected, but I knew it was coming. I felt it in my guts and it was the best feeling I've ever felt knowing that this man that I'm cuddled up with right now is gonna be the man of my life.

I closed my eyes, feeling content with my life for once. It was pleasing, a calm, very calm feeling knowing that everything was gonna be alright.

It's been about 10 years since the day he talked to me at that party.. we were so young and in love.. but now we were more in love than ever, I dont know if that's possible but it is what it is.

I was 23 now and he was 25. We were adults. Our life right now isn't a game no more. We were adults with real problems.

Now, I wouldn't say that we don't fight because we do. What kind of relationship is you don't fight with your partner? Like what the fuck? No one's perfect, everyone makes mistakes.

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